FM 15

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"Hey babe" Ly called out to Den as she entered their room. Finding Den sitting on the floor, busy rummaging through her closet, Ly approached her and held her shoulder, causing Den to look up. Ly smiled and kissed Den's forehead, before settling to sit beside Den.

"What are you doing?" Ly took a peek at Den's closet and at whatever Den was intently working on. She saw piles of canned goods, cup noodles, and biscuits.

Den beamed at her proudly and kissed her cheeks. "I went to the grocery. Gosh, did you know that you could actually buy a lot of stuff with 500 pesos? I swear, I think I have enough food for a month!"

Ly smiled and kissed Den's hand. "Babe, I'm happy about your adventure, but don't you think that's unhealthy stuff? Are you seriously planning to eat all of that?"

"Come on Ly, don't be a spoil sport! I'm finally learning to cook and be independent" Den clapped her hands in excitement, and happily resumed fixing her stash.

Ly looked at Den worriedly. While this may seem as an adventure for Den, sooner or later, thing's are going to catch up with her. How long will it be before she starts getting fed up with eating spam, sardines, meatloaf? For sure, in a few months, she'll start feeling the tightening of the belt just to make ends meet.

Ly wrapped her hand over Den's shoulder and lightly pulled her. Ly softly kissed her hair, and Den leaned her head on Ly's shoulder as she settled into Ly's embrace. Den played with the hem of Ly's shorts, while Ly stroked Den's hair and gave her soft kisses at the top of her head.

"Den, babe, why didn't you tell me that your parents cut-off your allowance?"

Den shot up and looked at Ly in shock "how did you... You spoke with Ella?!?"

"She didn't mean to tell me, she accidentally spilled it"

"Well, you could have asked me instead of going behind my back!" Den stood up and stomped her way to her bed, plopping herself down.

Ly followed suit and walked in front of Den, "well, I did ask you, except that you didn't tell me the truth!" Ly was getting frustrated.

"Well, why couldn't trust me when I told you that I could handle the situation!" Den stood up, arms on her hips, eyebrows furrowed together.

"Trust Den? Trust?!? I'm your girlfriend Den! If you can't trust me enough to tell me your problem, then I think this relationship is pointless!!"

"Wow, Ly! Seriously! You think my sacrifice was pointless?"

"I didn't tell you to sacrifice anything for me"

"Well, sorry if I love you that much!" Den said sarcastically.

Silence. They now stood facing each other. Both of them breathing heavy and face red with anger. But neither wanted to speak any further.

Ly covered her face with both of her hands as she tried to rub it and release some tension. This wasn't what she planned. She wanted to talk about this with Den, but she didn't know that they'd end up fighting about it.

"This isn't who loves the other more Den. This isn't a game, there are no winners." Ly sat on the bed as she felt her energy drain from her. She didn't want to fight anymore. Placing her head on her hands as she tried to block her tears, she spoke.

"I love you Den, so much. SO Much. But I don't want to be the reason for your pain."

"You may cause my pain Ly, but you're my only cure."

Ly quickly stood up and pulled Den into a hug, shocking Den. Kissing the top of Den's head, "I don't want to hurt you anymore.."

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