FM 7

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"Den wait up!" I screamed as I tried to catch up with her at the corridors of the gym. The closer I get to her, the faster she was trying to escape from me. When I finally caught up with her, I pulled her into a hug but she was trashing and fighting to get out of my hold.

"Let me go!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on.."

"I don't want to talk to you know, Ly!" She said pounding my arms to let them loose. I was in pain but I dared not let go.

"I thought we were already ok? If this was because I almost kissed you, then I'm sorry! I guess I just got carried away by the moment." I could tell that she was crying, but she was still trying to escape from me, that's why I turned her around and hugged her tighter.

"Ly please, let me go..." She sobbed.

"Den, can you just please tell me, I don't know.." but my words were cut when she pushed me hard. She got out of my grip, but I dared not try to hold her again as I saw the pain and anger in her eyes.

"That's the problem Ly! You don't know! You don't know how long I waited and prayed for you to come and rescue me. How many nights I cried myself to sleep not knowing if there was still a point for waiting for you. Or how stupid I felt when days passed, then months, until years passed that you never contacted me."

"Den, I'm sor.." But she swatted my hand away as I tried to touch her.

"You're sorry?? You're sorry?!? I fought with my parents for you! They told me that it was pointless, that you weren't coming back, but little stupid me told them that you wouldn't do that to me. That you love me and we weren't over. I held on to your worthless promises!"

"I did comeback. I was ..."

"Save it, Ly. I don't want to hear your explanations. Don't you think you're 2 years a bit too late?" Den said coldy, devoid of any emotions, like cold hard steel.

"Just hear me out" I pleaded.

"And then what? What's the point? It's not like we would make up and just go back to were we left off years ago."

Den breathed in deeply to calm her nerves.

"I had my reasons for staying away, Den."

"I should have believed my mom when she said loving you was a big mistake. She was right after all, it was just a childhood phase that I would easily get over."

"Whatever, I'm tired" Den said as she turned away to leave.

"Do you honestly believe that?"

Den froze as she heard Ly speak but she did not turn around to face her.

"It doesn't matter what I believe. It's over, Ly, it's been long over for the past 2 years when you decided to walk away."

"Can we at least be friends, Den?"

"No. It would be better if we weren't."

Den exited the gym while Ly sat on the floor, trying to stop the onslaught of tears. From behind her, she heard Ella clear her throat.

"When will you tell her the truth?"

"She doesn't need to know Ella. I think it would be easier for her to believe that I did not fight for her, than to learn that I betrayed her."

"How many times would you blame yourself for that day? You did what you thought was the best for her."

"Even though it turned out to be the worst decision for our relationship."

"Ly, you had to make a choice, and you chose her interests over yours."

"Did I really? Coz for all I know, I hurt the person I love the most, and years after, she can't even stand to be in the same room with me!"

Ly slumped herself fully on the floor as she was now full on sobbing. Ella sat beside her and held her, "why can't you just let out the truth Ly? It would be easier for both of you."


2 years ago

Like a rollercoaster ride, we continued to plunge deeper and faster.

"Ly baby..." Den called out to me, breaking my thoughts.

"Yes baby?" I walked up to her and hugged her waist.

"I'm hungry" she pouted and I kissed her on the lips.

"Ok, don't worry, I'll get something from the store for you." I held her and hugged her tight.

This is what I have been scared of, that after the excitement of our adventure has settled, we would have to face reality. Where do we go? How would we live? Where will we get our money? How will 2 kids survive on their own? But of course, I could not tell her my fears.


"Promise that you'll wait for me baby." And I kissed her, with all the passion in my heart.


As soon as I was on the street corner, I took out my phone. "Ella, we need to talk..."

"Ly, is everything ok with you and Den?"

"Yes Ella, we're still here at the house of Kim's Aunt, but we have to leave tomorrow,"

"Where are you going? Ly, Den's parents came here in my house yesterday. They're starting to suspect that I know something. My parents have beein grilling me."

"Sorry Ella for dragging you into this mess. But this will end now"

"What do you mean?"

"The other night, she had coughs and colds but we didn't have money to bring her to the hospital. We barely have enough money to buy food. I can't give her a decent life that she deserves. I can't ask her to give up everything for me."

"What are you saying?"

"Can you do me a favor? Can you please tell her parents to meet me at Mcdonalds across our street within the hour?"


They spoke inside the car on the other street where Ly and Den have taken shelter.

"You did the right thing Alyssa, we'll take her home now." Den's father spoke, while Den's mom was on the driver's seat, and was silent the entire time.

Ly wiped her tears as she knew Den wouldn't want to go home. Both of them would surely be grounded by their parents when they return home, but Ly knew that this was the lesser evil than the life she could give Den right now.

"Sir, tito, can you allow us to still be together? We promise to prove to you that this is real love."

"Not now Ly. Give both of yourselves time to grow up. when both of you are older and you still love each other, who are we to stop you? For now, grow up, find yourselves."

"Can I at least say goodbye to her before you get her?"

Den's dad nodded tentatively. Ly then got out of the car, as they have agreed, so that Den wouldn't find out that Ly contacted her parents. She watched the car as it sped off, as she walk mindlessly behind it, dreading her goodbyes with Den.

From across the street, Ly could see the commotion at the house between Den and her mom. By the time time was able to catch up with them, Den was already being dragged towards the car.

"You promised!" Those were the only words I could muster, asking from Den's dad to at least give us a chance to say goodbye. I could see that he pitied us, but he didn't want to aggravate the situation and let Den get hurt.

Trying to get out from his grasp, he shook Ly's shoulder firmly. "Ly! Come back when you can prove to us that we were wrong today. Prove to me that you deserve my daughter." And he walked away and got on the car.

Ly was left crying as she watched them take Den away from her.

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