FM 12

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They won the game even if Ly was not able to play for the enitre game to avoid aggravating her pain. As they made their way back to the dug-out with their teammates, Den couldn't help but throw glances at Ly who was limping a little. She didn't know how to act around their teammates, their close friends, let alone how to act around in public.

She silently berated herself. She loves Alyssa, no question about that. But she's 18 and Ly, 17. Last time she checked, coming out and fighting for the one you love, was one sure way of getting you dragged away from each other.

"Earth to Den.." Ella snapped her fingers in front of Den to catch her attention. Following her gaze, Ella's eyes widened "were you just checking Ly out?!?"

"What? NO!!" She reacted defensively.

"Uh-huh, I did see you staring at her and"

Den covered Ella's mouth and dragged her to one corner of the dug-out

"Shut it!! Of course I'm just a bit worried about her coz she's our teammate"

"And.." Ella dragged on, raising on eyebrow

"And she is one of our best players"

"Yah?..." Ella challenged her to continue

"AND... We would need her to win. So she can't get injured." Den nodded her head, satisfied with her answer.

"Ok. So, you're sure this has nothing to do with the fact that this Alyssa Valdez was the first love of one Dennise Michelle Lazaro.."

"Come on Ells, that was in the past. I already told you that was just a big mistake that I regret. We're just friends now!" Den was already flustered


Ella and Den quickly looked behind them.

"Hey, we'll go ahead I still need to bring Alyssa to the clinic to have her checked. You guys go back to the dorm with the team."

"Yes ate Dzi" they both replied, but Den couldn't bring herself to look at Ly. Ly was smiling, but Den saw some pain in her eyes. A pain beyond a physical one caused by her earlier fall, a deeper one. There was sadness in her eyes.

"Bye guys" Ly said before turning around to hold on to Dzi as her crutch.

Den immediately stood up from her bench and held on to Ly's arm to stop her.

"Ate Dzi, uhmmm.. Maybe I should go with you, I am her roommate and.."

"No Den" Ly gently touched Den's hand on her arm to remove it "we can manage"

Ly nodded at her to convince her that everything will be ok, but Den could see the void in her smile.

Lunging to hug Ly, she whispered to her ear "call me if you need anything. I.." But Ly detached from her even before she could finish her message.

"Let's go?" She faced Dzi but Den pulled her hand again and gave her a quick kiss on her cheeks.

She still had her eyes trailing Ly when she heard someone call her name.


She swiftly turned around "Mom?... Hi" she walked briskly to her mom and kissed her cheeks.

"I didn't know you were going to watch the game"

"Yah, I wanted to surprise you. Come on, let's have dinner and I'll just bring you back to your dorm later."

"Ok mom" she forced a smile despite anxiety seeping through her.


"How's school Dennise?" Her mom asked her as she passed the pasta to Den.

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