FM 22

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"You're awfully quiet" Ly remarked as she was driving toward Den's condo after their impromptu pizza dinner.

Ever since she came back after her phonecall, she noticed Den's somber aura. But she knew better than to prod. Den is one of the moodiest person she knew, and honestly, they're both too tired and it's already too late, for them to get into any kind of argument. So she just let it pass, and their dinner became what felt like one long dragging hour, when it was only in fact 15 minutes.

"Nothing. Just feel like a migraine attack coming." Den replied, and then reverted back to silence as she looked out the window.

"Are you mad at me?" Ly asked as she stopped the car outside Den's condo.

"Is there a reason why I should be?"

"Yeah, I guess you're mad?.."

"And what made you say that?"

"Coz you always do that when you're mad. Answer questions with questions"

"Whatever" Den rolled her eyes as she opened the door to step out of the car.

"Hey" Ly called out as she immediately ran out of the car to catch up with Den. "I don't know what I did, but I know we're not ok"

"I'm tired Ly, go home" Den sighed deeply before turning around to enter the lobby, but Ly grabbed her hand.

"Come back to the car"


"I'll park my car and I'm staying over with you"

"What, why?! I didn't ask you to.."

"I know.. I'M telling you, I'm staying. Just get in the car Den" Ly kept her hand on Den's elbow and opened the passenger side door. "Please..."

Den obliged and slumped herself on the seat. Ly gently closed the door.


We walked at the same time, each step in sync, we were together but we might as well have been walking on different planes.

I took out my key to unlock my door and she walked right in after me. Our emotions are too high, but neither of us wanted to speak.

"What's the problem Den?"

"I'm tired Ly, let's just go to sleep"

She paced around me clasping her hands, trying to ease out her anger.

"Why do you always have to be evasive? Just tell me what's wrong!"

"I don't feel like talking about it Ly" I say monotonously. I don't want to fight, I just want to shut all of these feelings out.

She pulled a chair, slumped on it, and rubbed hef face with her hands. "I don't get it, we were having such a good time. i take a call from Alfred, and when I come back, you're a totally different person."

I raised my hands above my head as if the puzzle has been solved. "There's your answer! So, can we please just go to sleep and end this day!" I said sarcastically as I started making my way towards my bedroom.

"So, this is about Alfred?" She stood up in confusion.

I still had my back away from her. "Yes it's about Alfred! When were you planning to tell me that you're finally together?"

"Why does that even matter? I don't always ask you about your lovelife"

I felt my energy drain away from me as I turned to face her. "Let's just go to sleep"

"No Den! We're not dropping this like every other conversation we've had, when you didn't want to talk about it."

She was now beside me, as she grabbed my arm. I looked up at her and I saw pain and anger in her eyes.

"Do you love him?" I know I don't have the right to ask her this, but I wanted to know.

She let go off my arm, as I felt her tense up.

"I'm not even going to answer that.."

"Just answer it Ly, please"

"YES!!! happy now?!?" She screamed at me

I close my eyes as I felt a shot through my chest. "Is he the one?"

"Why are we even having this conversation?!?"

"Tell me!!!" I was surpised when I heard myself scream at her. We were standing mere inches away from each other and I could see the taut lines in her face as she breathed hard in her anger

"What's the point Den?!?!"

I crossed my arms over my chest as I tried to shield myself.

"I need to know... if I should already let you go..." I bit my lips as the tears started falling.

"You've already done that Den... when you left me 3 years ago"

I could see her clench her fist as her own tears started to fall.

"I never let go, I promised you I wouldn't..." Ly spoke, trying to fight her tears. For a moment, we are back to that day, 3 years ago when everything fell apart.

"But I did, I let you go" I replied, closing my eyes as I remember how I broke her heart and left her. How I walked away from everything we had. I couldn't stop the onslaught of my tears as I am brought back to the painful memories.

I tried to hug her as I could see her shaking from her sobs, but she stepped back

"NO! You don't have the right to comfort me. You don't have the right to act all jealous when you were the one who ended what we had!"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm trying to move on from you Den!"

"Has it ever occured to you that maybe I don't want you to move on from me?!?"

"Are you really that selfish Den?!"

I grabbed her, and next thing I knew, I was kissing her. Hard. As I pulled away, I closed my eyes as I held her face in my hands, putting our foreheads together.

"No, I am JUST that in love with you Alyssa Valdez. I never stopped"

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