FM 14

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10am. Ly was rummaging thru her bag when she noticed that she forgot her phone at the dorm. Knowing that she had 30 minutes to spare in between classeses, she rushed back to the dorm to get it.

Upon reaching her dorm room, she was surprised to hear voices on the other side of the door. She knew Den was supposed to have a class right now, so what was she doing in the room.

"Ells, I just need some money until our next allowance comes."

"Ok Den, I have a few to spare now. But how long do you plan to do this."

Ly could hear them talking. She opened the door and Ella immediately stood up upon seeing her. Den, who had her back to the door, whipped her head back to check who was behind her. For a few seconds, the room was silent, as Ly walked in to put her bag down on her bed.

"Ly, what are you doing here? Don't you have class?"

Ly couldn't place her finger on it, but there was a weird tension between the 2. She walked over to Den, the whole time onserving Ella who avoided her gaze. She kissed Den on the cheek and held her hand as they sat down on the bed.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? I have a break, but you're supposed to be in class now"

"Free cut!" Ella interjected

"Yah, we got a free cut" Den supplied.

"I didn't know you were classmates in Math?"

"No, I meant, ahh.. All math classes are free cut today, coz of a teachers meeting or something" Den added.

Ly placed her arm over Den's shoulder to pull her into an embrace. Den immediately relaxed and placed her head on Ly's shoulder, and wrapped her arms around Ly's waist. Ly gently kissed her temple.

"What are you 2 talking about babe? Why do you need money?"

Den reached up to touch Ly's cheek and kissed her dimples. "I'm just a little short now"

"Then why don't you ask from your parents?"

"No, that's my fault anyway. I wasn't able to budget properly. Anyway our allowance from the School will come in a few days."

"Den, I'm sure your parents wont mind..."

"It's ok Ly, It's just for a few more days"

"If you tell your parents.."

"I said it's ok Ly! Just drop it!" Den stood up and closed her eyes. She rubbed her forehead to ease her anger. Opening her eyes, she saw Ly's eyes brimming with tears.

"Ly..." She tried to touch Ly's face but she was dejected.

"Ahh, guys, I 'll go ahead. I have class.." Ella hurriedly left the room even before the 2 could acknowledge her.

As soon as the door closed, Den sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for heartbeat to calm down. She closed her eyes.

"I need to go, I have class" Ly stood up, but Den reached for her hand to stop her.

"Ly, baby, I'm sorry" she hugged Ly's waist. As soon as Ly placed her arms around Den's neck, Den's tears started falling.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you babe, I'm just really stressed"

Ly let go of the hug as she knealt down in front of Den and held her face. "Why couldn't you just tell me that you were having problems? That I had to find out this way?"

"I just don't want to bother you.."

"Dennise, I'm your girlfriend. I should be with you through good and bad"

Through her tears, Den smiled. "You're my girlfriend. I bet a lot of people envy me" and she let out a chuckle.

"You're crazy. But honestly Den, is there a problem? Why can't you just ask from your parents?"

Den rolled her eyes at Ly, quickly shifting her mood again. "I just don't want to, ok? I want to prove to them that I can stand on my own two feet! That I'm not a child anymore!"

"Ok, hush now" Ly kissed Den's temple again to calm her down. "If you don't want to ask for their help, fine. But here, I have some savings, let me help you."

"No, Ly. You need to share that with your family in the province. I'll manage until my next allowance, or I'll borrow from Ella."

Ly hugged Den as she didn't want to fight anymore, but something bothered her.


"Hey Ella, wait up!" Ly ran to catch up with Ella on their way to the Blue Eagle Gym for training.

"Oh, hi Ly." Ella replied, but further quickened her pace. Ly grabbed her arm to slow her down

"What's the rush?"

"Nothing, come one, let's go to training."

"Ella stop" Ly was bothered with the way Ella was acting. Something felt strange with how she and Den acted this morning when Ly chanced upon them at the dorm. With how Ella tensed up, and Den becoming defensive, something felt wrong.

"Is this about what happened this morning? I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of our fight." Ly followed Ella as they sat on one of the benches outside the gym. "But don't worry, we're ok now. She told me why she didn't want to ask money from her parents."

"Oh she did?!" Ella broke into a smile and heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm glad she did. I didn't know how long I could keep secrets from the 2 of you!"

"I totally don't agree about her mom stopping her allowance, just because Den insists on having this relationship with you. I mean, It's not your fault that you're in love with each other, right? I know this will be hard for Den, to be cut-off from her finances, even taking away her credit card. It's a good thing we still have our varsity allowance."

Ly just stared at her feet and scrunched her forehead. Ly couldnt stop her tears anymore. She now realized what Den has been hiding from her.

"I didn't know.."

"What?!" Ella suddenly froze at the realization "oh, shit! I thought you said she told you!"

"She did, but apparently not everything! I thought she was just trying to be mature and responsible. I didn't know she had been cut-off for being with me"

Ella held Ly's hand to comfort her. "But she loves you that much Ly. She's willing to turn away from her luxurious life to fight for you."

"Why does loving me always have to hurt her? Why does this love always have to be a choice between me and her happiness?" Ly sobbed as Ella cradled her for comfort.

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