FM 3

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Finally, the voice I have missed hearing for so long. The voice that haunts me in my dreams as I await to hear it over and over again.

"Den!" I ran to her and I hugged her. I didn't care if we were in the middle of the mall. I know this might be dangerous as people who know Den can see us and news may reach her mom, but for now, none of that mattered. All I cared about was holding her again in my arms.

"Yo, Besh. PDA alert" I heard Ella call out from behind us. Keeping my embrace on Den, we turned around to face Ella.

"Thanks for helping us Ella." I owe Ella everything. She has found ways to help us see each other. I know people would say that this is wrong, that Den is lying to her mom and even using Ella as her accomplice. But, how can this be wrong when everything about being with her feels right?

"I missed you, Ly" Den said, almost in a whisper, hugging my waist tightly.

"Den, I told your mom we'll be back before 6pm. So, I'll see you back here in 3 hours?" Ella reminded Den.

Den hummed quietly, not even bothering to answer Ella's question, as she contentedly nuzzled her head on my chest.

"Thanks Ella, as always." I told her sincerely before we bade her goodbye.

"Belated happy monthsary and advance Happy Holidays my Love!" She beamed at me as we sat down on the couch to eat. She intertwined her arm in mine as she reached out to hold my hand. Leaning her head on my shoulder, we stayed silent for a while.

I just wanted to feel her, to listen to her heart beat, to be basked in our own little world.

"Why so silent?" I asked, clutching her arm tighter.

"Ly, I hate this. Not being with as often as I want to," she played with my fingers as she roamed her eyes around the restaurant "hiding in dimly lit couches and obscure restaurants away from people."

"What are you saying Den?" I felt the cold dread in my heart. I looked straight into her eyes as I tried to read her thoughts.

"Why can't we be as free as everyone else? Why can't I love you the way I want to?"

She hugged my waist as I could feel her try to stiffle her tears.

"Because we're still young? Because this is different?" I raised my head to look at the ceiling, breathing heavily.

"What if we prove to them that we deserve their acceptance and understanding?" She raised her eyes to look at me, as I met her gaze and kissed her forehead.

Kissing my jaw, she nuzzled close to my neck. "Ly, I want to spend christmas with you. Not the day before, not the day after. I hate celebrating ocassions on other dates... I'm tired of hiding."

I held her hand as I raised it to my lips and kissed it. "Do you think we can do this Den? Face their judgements, their hatred?"

"I know I can, as long as you're with me. I'll be willing to take all of that if it means being with you."

We felt the waiter come to our table and we immediately separated. I snickered a sarcastic laugh.

"Just a few moments ago, we were ready to walk in and challenge your parents, and now, the waiter comes in and we can't let go of each other quickly enough." I said shaking my head.

She crossed her arms on her chest and pouted, I could see that I have offended her. I pulled her closer to me and embraced her. "Sorry baby" I kissed her temple. "So, how do we do this?"

"Really?!?" She beamed, even clapping her hands in excitement. I nodded my head as I smiled at her.

"December 24, come to our house. We will have dinner with my family."

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