FM 16

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"Hey Besh", Den kissed Ly on the cheeks before taking the seat beside Ly on the bench.

"Well hello Dr. Lazaro, nice of you to finally decide to show up and join us for lunch" Ly laughed as Den took a jab at her side.

"Come on, how long is your break this time?" Ly took Den's tray and started fixing her plate, food, and drinks on the table. Handing Den her utensils, Ly proceeded to prepare her food in front of her.

"Well, I have to do patient rounds the the pedia ward in.." Checking her watch she pouted like a child "30 minutes". She sighed as she put her chin on her hands.

"Hey" Ly took both of Den's hands off from her chin and urged her to look up. Lowering her eyes to level herself with Den, she kissed her cheeks. "Come on besh, you have to eat before diving back to work." When Den still hadn't smiled, Ly pulled Den and placed her head on Ly's chest, stroking her hair.

"What's wrong"

"I'm just tired"

"You've been working too hard"

"Well, I am the Chief Resident"

Kissing the top of Den's head, Ly hugged her tighter "but you still need to take care of yourself"

"That's what you're there for right besh, to take care of me?" Den looked up at Ly, batting her eyelashes, and Ly let out a loud chuckle.

"Ahem!" Someone coughed loudly across them on the bench.

"Can I join you or am I disturbing something?"

Ly and Den separated from each other as Den threw tissue on Ella.

"Well Dr. de Jesus, you can join us unless Dr. Lazaro has any objections"

Without waiting for an answer, Ella sat herself on the bench, which made Den roll her eyes.

"Besh" Ella called out to Ly "the senior students want to interview us on how we were able to transition from great athletes to the pioneer in Clinical Psychology"

"Seriously? How many interviews have you had Ly? I honestly think they just have a crush on you and this interview is just an excuse"

Ly put her arms around Den "Besh, of course we serve as inspiration to them coz look at us now? Team Besh, now all doctors"

Den startes poking her food to ignore Ly. "Whatever"

"Hey, come on, you have to eat now. You need to go back to work in a few minutes" Ly fixed Den's food but Den refused as she was now having a tantrum.

"Hey.." When Den still ignored her, Ly went to her own food and started packing her sandwich.

"What are you doing?!" Den asked irritably

"Well, if you're not eating, you can just bring this sandwich with you so that you'll have something to eat when you get hungry"

"Awwww, sweet! Love you Besh" and Den hugged her tightly, kissing Ly's chin, before resting her head on Ly's shoulder.

"Love you too Den" Ly smiled, kissing the top of Den's head before brushing her hair gently.

"Tell me again why you two are not together, when you're more sickenly clingy than most couples I know?"

"For the nth time Pots, we're better off as friends. Somehow, when we're together, we always manage to mess up" Den replied as she took Ly's hand and bit into the apple she was holding. Ly wiped Den's lips with her fingers where the apple juice dripped. Den lifted their joined hands so that Ly can also take a bite.

"And, just because you're not together anymore doesn't mean that you have to stop loving the person. You just learn to love them differently." Ly added in, which made Den nod her head in agreement.

"So, are you saying you love me?!?" Den asked in jest, taunting Ly.

"Did I ever say that I stopped?"

Den felt a little bit awkward, and she sat up. "Well anyway, I have to do my rounds. By beshies!"

Taking the sandwich from Ly, she placed this in her labgown pocket and kissed Ly's cheeks. Poking Ly's cheek Den laughed "I love kissing your chubby cheeks" and she waived goodbye.

Ly shook her head as she realized that, as always, Den ended up eating Ly's food and not eating her own. She could't help the smile that creeped up on her face.


"Hmmm?" She lifted her head to face Ella and was surprised to see Ella all serious. "What?!"

"You still love her, do you?"

"Whatever Pots!" She threw a pen towards Ella.

Ly was laughing hard, but Ella could see the glistening in Ly's eyes.

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