FM 31

14.9K 320 24

7am. Ly went to starbucks as her daily routine, before heading to her clinic.

"Hi Jane, I'll get the usual"

"That will be one tall white chocolate mocha, double espresso for Dr. Valdez... And an order of banoffee pie to sweeten your day"

"I didn't order..."

The barista refused her payment "Your breakfast has already been settled Dr. Valdez"

She raised her eyebrow in confusion, but it was too early for her to process anything. It's probably a store loyalty promo, she thought. Proceeding to the claiming counter, the barista handed her coffee and pastries to go.

Upon holding her cup, she was surprised at what was written on it. Usually her cup just states "Dr. Valdez" or "Dr. Aly", but now, it had a note on it

"A, breakfast is done. So what about lunch? :)D"

Ly had to swallow her laughter as she just shook her head in embarassment.


Sitting on her desk, she sent out a message to Den.

"I got the coffee, and the cake. Thanks"

Den: "Hope that boosts your day. So, about that lunch..?"

Ly: "Den, I told you, we can't do this"

Den: "What's wrong with 2 friends having lunch? ;)"

Ly laughed and bit her lip to stop herself from laughing
Ly: "Dennise Michelle Lazaro. You very well know what I'm talking about!!"

Den: "Stop being so malicious. So, besh, about that lunch?"

Ly: "alfred's dropping by"

Den: "oh right, alfred"

Ly: "I'm sorry Den"

Den: "No, this is my fault. It's my problem that I'm still in love with you..."


Den put down her phone is she felt tears starting to sting her eyes. She hated it that the mere mention of his name can ruin her day. Alfred or rather, he who must not be named, or even "Mr. Eyebrows". She laughed bitterly at the codename of her nemesis.

She slumped herself back on her chair, a she whirled herself from side to side, venting her frustration on this chair as it creaked with every violent movement.

"Ohh, Alfred's dropping by, nyah nyah nyah, blah blah" she spoke rhetorically, as she threw her pen across the room.

"Ahhhhh!" She let out a scream, finding any way to unburden her feelings right now.

"No Dennise, you can't give up that easily. You can't just walk away the same way you did before. She is worth every fight you have to take"

Squaring her elbows on her table, she held her head on her hands as she let the tears flow. "I'm not giving up this time Ly"


Den was having lunch alone at the cafeteria, moping as she was thinking about how Ly was having lunch with Mr. Eyebrows now.

Is she having fun right now? Does he make her laugh or smile in the way that her lips reaches her eyes? Is she kissing him now?

She stabbed her fork on her salad at the last thought, causing her plastic fork to break.

"Poor leaf" she heard someone speak up. Raising her head, she saw Ella hovering over her.

"Oh, hi Pots" she replied disappointed. For a moment, she honestly thought, or at least hoped, that Ly changed her mind and was standing here in front of her.

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