FM 6

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"Hey! What happened to your truce? It's only been hours!!" Ella screamed at them while their other teammates were trying to separate the 2.

"can't you learn to cooperate?"

"Can't you listen to others?"

"You're so full of yourself!"

"Says the self-centered one!"

They continued to banter and Ella shook her head in disappointment at the 2 of them.

Last night, when she moved out of her room with Den, she saw them actually trying to make an effort to get along. Although, Ella knew how difficult this would be for both of them.

She was there 2 years ago and she witnessed how their ship has sunk. Days and nights, Den would call her, crying, wanting to see Ly, but she couldn't help her. She was guarded by her family closely so that she could not escape like the last time she ran away with Ly.

Den prayed that one day Ly would be able to find a way to get her. She waited... And waited... Not wanting to lose hope. She believed in their love and trusted that Ly loved her as much to fight for her. But Ly never came.

From the lovelorn Dennise that was dragged back by her parents from the home she shared with Ly for 3 days, one day, she just snapped out of it.

"Ly was just a phase, a mistake, which she fully regrets." Ella heard Den say. Then she removed everything that reminded her of Ly. if only she could also remove the memories embedded in her head, she would surely have done so.

As much as Ella knew Den was in denial about her true feelings, she just went with the flow. At least Den was moving on; at least she was getting better.

But all of that came to a screaching halt 2 months ago, when fate would have it's way and bring all 3 of them together in the same university, playing for the same team.

"What is it this time?!?" Coach Roger ran screaming towards the court.

"Ly, you're an open spiker. just hit the ball and let the libero assist you at the back."

"Den, keep your eye on Ly, watch her every move."

"How difficult is that?!?" He screamed out to the whole team.

Coach was scrunching his face and threw his clipboard on the floor. "Everyone 10 laps around the court!!!"

"What?" All their other teammates exclaimed almost at the same time.

"But we didn't do anything!" Ella answered in disbelief.

"NOW!!!" There was no questionning this time and everyone scrambled and started running.

Den and Ly kept murmurring the whole time they were running. Their teammates, meanwhile, kept throwing them dagger stares, clearly hating this punishment they did not deserve.

10 laps after, everyone was sweating and panting.

"You 2, fix all of the gears in the dug-out. And I don't want to hear any bickering from you!" He firmly told Ly and Den before walking out of the gym.

Jem Ferrer, their team captain, approached them. "Guys, clean up your actions. You don't want to bring down the whole team just because of your personal issues."

Den grumpily started picking up the balls and placing these in the ball rack, while Ly proceeded to fix the net. Walking to the dug-out, their argument could be heard in the gym.

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