FM 24

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I parked my car across our house. It felt so weird, so alien, to be back in this place. I can't even remember the last time I was here. The past years, meeting Dad, or Jus and Mosh would always be at the mall or in school, anywhere mom doesn't know. Sometimes I would visit Jus and Mosh in school, just treat them to snacks, and then I would leave before mom comes to fetch them.

I walk to the gates and reach out to press the doorbell. I hesitated for a bit, as I could feel my heart palpitating. "Buzzz" I jolted as I realized that they have changed the doorbell since the time I used to live here.

I saw the front door open as Mosh came rushing out "Ate!!!!" Jus was behind him as they both ran towards the gate.

As I entered the house, I felt nostalgic at finally being home.

"Hey baby girl" I heard from behind me and I ran to my dad and jumped on him like a child.

"Dad..." My voice croaked as I was drowning in tears.

"What is she doing here?" I heard from behind me as dad brought me down.

"Mom" I was about to approach her but stopped myself realizing her words

"I invited her" my dad replied. I could see the tension in their eyes

"Well she's not welcome here. You can go now Dennise" she looked down at me, and I almost cowered behind my dad.

"She's not going anywhere. She is my daughter, this is her family, and this is her house"

Arlene steadied her breathing "Justine, Mosh, could you please leave us for a moment?"

"No mom! We're old enough! We have a right to know what's going on in this family! And we have a right to say how we feel!!"

Jus and Mosh were crying now, and my heart breaks with the pain this has caused my babies.

"Jus, Mosh, it's ok. I'll leave now, I'll see you next time" I started walking away as I left the gifts on the floor, but dad held my hand and pulled me back.

"NO Dennise! This has got to stop! Arlene, for several years I tolerated your choices because Jus and Mosh are still young. They already suffered from a broken family, I couldn't let them suffer through a broken home. So I just kept silent as you pushed Dennise away."

Dad clutched my hand tighter "and I was unfair, because I chose this marriage over the happiness of my kids" he looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry Baby" he kissed my hand as I held on this waist for support.

"I've had enough Arlene. If you will not let Dennise back into this family, then I'm leaving you!"

"Dad, NO!" I gasped and I saw Mosh fall on the floor and cry. Jus was trying to comfort him, as she looked up at me, heartbreak written all over her face.

"No. It's my fault. You can't leave, they need you"

"I've made up my mind Dennise. Either both of us stay here, or neither of us."

"She can stay if she follows the rules."

I looked at the faces of my babies and it crushed my heart. They looked so torn, wanting me back, yet afraid of our parents separating. Mom, on the other hand, was poker faced, standing up strong to the challenge.

If I stay with Ly, then Dad leaves this family. Mosh and Jus will have to grow up with the stigma of having separated parents.

I can't do that to them. I can't ruin their lives.

I let go of my dad as I closed my eyes, trying to steady myself for the decision I have to make.

"Ok, you win mom" I said devoid of all emotions as I looked straight at her. But all of the tears gushing from my eyes betray the crushing pain in my heart.

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