FM 34

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"Den, you need to stop" Ella held her as she struggled to take away the glass from Den. "You've had too much already"

"That's the point Ella! I just want to drink so that I would fall asleep for a long long time and never feel this pain"

"If you believe that she made a mistake, then why don't you do something to prove that to her, instead of sulking here like a loser!" Ella pitied Den, but she couldn't help the frustration building in her, thinking how stupid they both are.

Ly keeps on running away from a chance to be with her true love, just because she's afraid to get hurt again. While Den decides to give up now, instead of fighting for her last chance.

Den burst out crying again as she hit the table with her fists and downed another shot of tequila. Ella rubbed her back to ease her pain in any way.

"Pots, she told me she loved me. That I only had to prove to her that I deserve her. I just needed more time..."

"They're just engaged Den! I shouldn't be probably saying this, but if you don't act now, there might not be another chance for the 2 of you."

Den burst out laughing, but her tears kept flowing. "Stupid me, I honestly thought she was going to turn him down because she would wait for me. That she would give me 1 last chance.." She slammed her head on her arms as she tried to wipe away her tears.

"Stupid... Stupid... Stupid.." She repeated over and over again as she smacked her head.

"You have to stop!" Ella shook Den's shoulder, while she cried uncontrollably. "This is is not the Dennise I know! The Dennise Lazaro I know never gives up, she doesn't know the meaning of the word surrender or failure. And, the Dennise Lazaro I know would never let Alyssa go, because she knows that nobody else can love Ly the way she does."

"It's over.. I lost my chance. This is all my fault. If I had not walked away 3 years ago, then none of this would have happened. We would still be together and I would be the one making her happy instead of him." She took another shot of tequila and she had to cover her mouth as she felt as if she would hurl anytime.

Slamming on her chair, it took Ella all of her efforts to steady Den. Seeing that she could no longer contain Den, she had to call for help.

"Hello, Jus. Yes, it's Ella. Can you get Den and I here at Gramercy?... yes, she's ok, I'll tell you about it later.

Almost an hour after, Ella and Jus was carrying a very drunk Den into their house. Den was singing, laughing, and crying at the same time, and they were having a hard time controlling her as she swayed and hit the furniture.

"Ate, be quiet. You might wake them up.. Shhhshh"

Den mimicked Jus and placed a finger on her lips "shhhshh. Shshhh. Quiet!!!!!" And she burst out laughing.

"Jus, I think it will be for her own good if she stays here for a few days."

"Ate Ella, I still don't get it. Why will Ate Ly tell her that she loves her, but then accept the proposal from Alfred?"

"It's much more complicated Jus. Den hurt Ly really bad 3 years ago."

"Well, if they really love each other, then they'll get over that fact. They have to stop living in the past."

"What's going on here?!?" They were stopped cold in their tracks when they ran into mommy Arlene who was standing at the foot of the stairs.

"Mom, ate just had a little to drink. We'll just bring her to her room. Jus and Ella tried to drag Den, but she put up a fight.

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