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"Good morning Dr. Lazaro, it's nice to have you back" Merce greeted me as I walked back into my office for the first time after 2 weeks.

"Hi Merce, turns out I just needed a breath of fresh air" I smiled at her as I entered my clinic.

The past 2 weeks of my life has been a whirlwind. I ran away thinking that Ly has already given up on us, and I accepted defeat without trying for one last time.

One last time to risk everything.
To get your heart broken...
To be rejected...
To lose the one you love...

Or one last time to finally get it right.

I sat down on my desk as I roamed my eyes around my room. I snickered as I remembered how scared I was when I asked the Chief if I could come back. "There's no one else fit for the position of Chief Resident, it's yours if you still want it" he said and he ruffled my hair.

Finally, everything is in place -- I reached my dreams, I have my family bavk, and finally... Finally, I am with my one true love.

I don't understand why things had to be so complicated. Why it was alwayd a choice of one over the other. Why loving her meant having to fight with the whole world. But now, standing here, everything was worth it. She's worth it.

I heard a soft knock on my door. As I looked up, I saw the most beautiful woman peek in tentatively.

"Busy?" She asked.

I stood up from my desk and briefly walked towards the door pulling her in.

"Never too busy for you" I replied as I collared her and attacked her with kisses, pulling her towards the couch.

"Hey babe, I don't think the Chief will appreciate you having a quickie on your first day back in the office."

I laughed heartily as I pinched her cheeks. I laid down on the couch and pulled her to lie with me, cradling her in my arms. I kissed the top of her head as I rubbed my hands over her waist.

"Babe, you need to stop, or you would really get us in trouble" she said as she leaned up and kissed me, until she was laying half on top of me.

"ok.. i'll stop" I breathed heavily, shifting to my side so that we are facing each other. I caressed her face as I kissed her forehead.

"God.. Do you know how long I have waited to have you in my arms this way? 3 years... 3 long years of torture and tears." I said, smiling at her. There's still a small part of me that can't believe that she's already mine.. Again.

"babe, what took you so long?" She held my hand. "I waited, praying that you would change your mind and come back... But you never did."

"I had to be ready Ly. I wanted to get you back when I knew that I was deserving of your love. When I could fight for you and not hurt you."

I kissed her on the lips. I couldn't have enough of her.

""But I guess I wasted too much time, coz when I found you again, you were already with someone else."

"Hey... I'm sorry"

"For being with Alfred? That's not your fault. As much as it hurts, I should be thankful to him, coz he took care of you when I hurt you."

"No, I'm sorry for not trusting yiu when you said that you'll always love me. I should've believed you, that you'll be back."

We hugged in silence, exchanging occassional chaste kisses.

"Anyway, I have to go. Work... yey!!" She said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes, and I tried to stiffle a laughter.

I kissed her one last time, "go now" I said, and I slapped her bum as she ran laughing.

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