FM 29

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I paced around my clinic as I stared at my phone for the nth time today.

Text to Ly: "Ly, please, let's talk about this.." I put down my phone as I stared out into space.

The debate in my head has been going on since Ly walked out of my condo, and it's seriously doing my head in.

Why did you have to do it Dennise? You said you'll be satisfied with just being her friend, then why did you have to complicate things?

Because the fact is, I can't be content with just being her friend. Everyday that I am with her, I just want to wrap my arms around her. It pains me not to be able to tell her how much I really love her. And it kills me, seeing her with someone else, knowing that she's not mine.

I've been texting and calling her the whole day, to no avail.

"If she's running away from me, then I'll run after her," I decided, as I made my way to her clinic. If I need to force her to talk to me, then so be it.


"Hi Ivy, is Dr. Valdez in?"

"Yes mam, but she has instructions not to disturb her"

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind" I said as I opened Ly's door

"Dr. Lazaro please.." She ran after me, but I was obviously faster than her. Hah, credit that to my libero skills!

"What the.."

"I'm sorry Dr. Valdez" Ivy butted in

"It's ok Ivy, thanks" she said as she stood up, and I closed the door behind me.

Ok, I was now in front of her, but stupid me, I didn't have any plans.

She was about to make her way back to her desk when I grabbed her hand. She looked at our hands, and the anger in her eyes, felt like it burned my hand and I immediately let go.

"What do you want?"

"Ly, please talk to me"

"There's nothing to talk about Den"

"Yes there is! I love you, I'm in love with you" I held her face as she closed her eyes "and I know you love me too"

"You're insane" Ly shook her head in frustration as she turned away from me, but I grabbed her again.

There is no way I am letting her run away from this chance.

"You can't deny it Ly, I felt it when you kissed me back"

And this, I grabbed her hand and entwined her fingers "when you hold my hand, I still feel you" I placed our hands over my heart

"It's over Den! It has long been over!"

I was scared as to how much hatred was in her eyes.

"But we can start anew. This time..."

"Don't kid yourself Den. You may have that Dr. in your name, but deep inside, you're still that scared kid who can't fight for what she wants" she lashed out at me.

"Is that what really think of me Ly? That I left you because I couldn't stand up for you? Give me some credit!"

"Well apologies Den if I don't know any better coz you didn't even bothered to explain anything to me! Oh wait, I remember, you just walked out of my life without giving me any reasons!!"

We were both crying now.

"What? 3 years after and you still can't give me any reasons? F*ck!!!" She cursed as she slammed her hand on her desk, making me jump in surprise.

I walked up behind her and hugged her, clutching her back. "I'm sorry Ly. I'm sorry that I hurt you. And I'm sorry that I'm still hurting you. But I'm not sorry for loving you." I held her tighter as I strained her shirt with my tears.

"I understand if you don't want to believe anything I say, but please at least believe that I love you"

Ly lifted her head to look stare at the ceiling to stop her tears

"You're too late"

"NO!!!" I forced her to turn around as I held her face "I will fight for you. I will make you realize that you're still in love with me. I will prove to you that it is still us in the end." I put our foreheads together as I closed my eyes.

"I love you Ly, so much"

And I couldn't stop myself anymore as I bridged the gap between us. I kissed her, our tears mingling with the others. I hugged her tighter and she hooked her arms on my neck as she deepened the kiss.

We were lost in the moment as I pushed her on her desk and lifted her to sit on it. We knew we had to stop but neither of us had control over any of our actions. The more we tried to stop, the more we grasped the other, afraid of letting go.

I kissed her lower on her neck and she gave me full access to kiss more of her exposed skin. I opened the top button of her blouse to gain more access.


We both detached from each other as we heard Ella's voice. It felt like we were teens caught by our parents as we tried to fix ourselves.

"Hon?" We turned around at the same time upon hearing the next voice, and Ly turned as white as paper.

"Alfred..." Ly whispered

He stood there, roses in his hand, as he stood behind Ella who was blocking his path.

All 3 girls looked at each other with guilt in their eyes, not sure if Alfred saw anything.

"Uhmm, hi Alfred. Hi Besh. i need to go, I still have consultations" Den said as she walked out of the room, avoiding Alfred's gaze.

Alfred walked towards Ly and gave her a full on kiss, which made Ella turn away. His action also surprised Ly.

"Let's go?"

Ly just nodded her head in agreement, but her mind was still lost in those kisses left by Dr. Lazaro.

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