FM 33

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"Good afternoon Dr. Valdez"

Ivy greeted Ly as she walked into her clinic after a full morning of patient rounds.

"Hi Ivy, any messages while I'm out?"

"Sir Alfred called to remind you about tomorrow?"

"What day is it tomorrow?"

"April 18"

Ly scratched her head trying to recall what's the ocassion. It's definitely not their monthsary. She sat on her desk, massaging her temple, trying to recall what it's about, but nothing came to mind.

"Did he say what's it about?"

"He just said it's dinner and he'll pick you up at 7pm."

"Ok thanks Ivy" she said before closing the door.

April 18, what's with April 18? When 10 minutes of shaking her memory still did not help, she just decided to call Alfred.

"Hey Hon!" He said happily as he answered the call.

"Hi, about tomorrow.. Honestly I forgot what tomorrow is about.. Sorry? Haha" she tried to fend the awkwardness with fake laughter.

"Hon, we planned that 3 weeks ago, remember?"

3 weeks ago, Ly think! She urged herself, and then it dawned on her. That day when they were having dinner, when she was so distracted after Den kissed her. When she agreed to whatever he said.

"Oh, ok" she lied, just to drop the conversation.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow hon. By the way, I also invited Dennise and Ella to come"

"What??? Why??"

"Well, they are you bestfriends so I want to get to know them better. Well anyway, it's just dinner with a few friends. Gotta go, love you."

"Wait!" But he already hung up the phone.


10 minutes after, she was barging into Den's clinic.

"What the hell Den??!" Ly screamed at Den as soon as she entered the door, slamming it close behind her.

"Ok, first of all, hello to you too. What's wrong Ly" Den stood up to approach Ly and rubbed her shoulders to calm her down. Ly budged her shoulders to get Den's hand off her, as she stepped back to gain some distance.

"Why did you agree to a dinner with Alfred?"

"Wait. I didn't agree to a dinner with Alfred. He came here the other day and spoke with me and Ella together and invited us to dinner."

"Why didn't you tell him NO?"

"Ly, it's just dinner. And he told us that you were the one who wanted us to be there."

"Wait, what?... Oh sheeshh!" Ly closed her fists and stomped her feet, smacking her forehead as she finally realized the missing part of her conversation with Alfred.

"Hey.." Den walked up to Ly and held her hand.

"Den, how do you expect me to act with both of you there?" Ly sat on the chair as she started to hyperventilate with panic.

"Den, can you forget for a moment that this is about us? I just really miss talking to my bestfriend right now. I don't know what to do, I don't want to hurt Alfred, he loves me."

Den knelt before her, looking straight into her eyes, brushing the hair that fell on her face. "Ly, I know I said I will not pressure you, but one day, you're going to have to choose. You can't continue to thread both sides, hoping that you won't hurt anyone. I won't ask you to choose me; I'd tell you to choose what makes you happy."

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