FM 5

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It's a hot mid-day afternoon, and intense training of the Ateneo Women's Volleyball Team, the Lady Eagles, are under way. The ball was sailing across the court, but 2 players insisted on running after it, colliding with each other. Both of them fell on the floor, clutching their legs in pain, while the ball gently landed on the line.

Coach Roger Gorayeb got one ball and angrily threw it near the 2 fallen players. "what the hell was that?!? You're supposed to hit the ball, not each other!" He was fuming mad as he approached center court, while the other team members were helping the players stand up.

"Coach, shouldn't you be mad at her? I'm the libero, so she should trust me that I will do my job." Den irritably answered back, throwing a sharp glance at the other player.

"Baldo, she already said 'Mine', you should have given way!!"

Ly stood up and patted her painful bum, "sorry coach, I just don't let go of what I've already claimed as mine."

"Oh really, huh?!" Den spat out the words before she could stop herself.

"Lazaro!! Valdez!! You two, in my office, now!" Coach Roger screamed at them, and they had no choice but to follow.

At the office, coach immediately lashed down at them. "What's your problem with each other? You're teammates, you should learn to cooperate with each other!"

Both of them were seated across from the table, but neither of them were looking at the other.

"If this is your attitude and you're just on your freshman year, I'm afraid I would have to let you both go."

"But, why? She's the one who started it." Ly objected.

"Started what? You're the one who's so full of yourself, thinking you're a one man team!" Den fought back.

"Maybe I was just doing everything that I had to do for what I have committed myself to."

"Ohhh, commitment. So what do you think I'm doing in this team, just wasting my time?!? I just didn't have anything better to do?"

"Stop it, stop it!!!" Coach Roger screamed at them and slamming his fists on the table, causing them to jump on their seats.

"We have been training for 2 months already and you 2 always bicker with each other."

Ly slowly leaned towards the table and spoke directly with coach. "Coach, I'm sorry. I can't lose this scholarship."

"So, you think I can?"

"Well, yes, little miss rich girl!"

"Whatever you arrogant.."

"Enough!!! I have done everything I can to get you 2 to work together. You leave me no choice.."

Coach stood up and walked out of his office, calling Ella to come in.

"Yes coach?" Ella asked as she walked in and looked at her 2 friends who seem to be having a heated debate again.

"Ella, I want you to accompany Ly and Den to the dorm prefect to discuss their room arrangements. By tomorrow, Ella you should transfer to Amy's room, and Ly you would be transferring to Den's room."

"What?!?" Ly and Den stood up at the same time.

"Be roomates or lose your scholarships. Your choice." He said sternly as he walked out of his office, leaving the 3 of us dumbfounded.

"This is your fault." Den hissed at Ly.

"Ok sure. I am sooo excited to be your roommate" Ly replied sarcastically.

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