FM 30

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We were sat on our dinner for 2 at a posh hotel, everything was great, except that I can't focus on my meal, guilt steeping all over me from what happened earlier with Den.

"Hon, don't you like the food?"


"You've barely touched your plate"

"I'm just not hungry."

"Ok. So, what was Den doing at your clinic earlier?"

I stiffened at the question. "Ahmm, we were just discussing the paper. Yahh the paper, her thesis.."

"Uh-humm" he hummed as he continued eating, while I barely touched my food.

"You must have really worked well on that paper that it earned her a promotion"

I just nodded silently.

He smirked sideways as he put down his utensils. "You 2 must really have good chemistry. Not everyone can work well with an ex"

He looked straight at me. I was starting to feel paranoid, but I erased it immediately when I saw him resume eating and smile "that's one kind of a special friendship"

"She was... Is.. My besh" I replied meekly, and then I downed a full glass of water.

Dinner resumed in silence, as I found myself distracted with thoughts of Den. I shivered as I remembered how her kisses left burning trail on my skin. How her touches ignited something in me. I had to cross my legs to contain the excitement forming within me, just remembering being with her.

I tried to shake off the thoughts in my head. No, this can't be, I'm with Alfred now, I love him. Den is just a fragment from my past. All of these are just residual feelings, but nothing else.

"Hon, what do you think?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. Alfred is staring at me, expecting for an answer.

"That would be great" I just blurted out, hoping it would somehow connect with whatever it was that he was asking me.

"Ok, that's settled then. We're all set for April 18."

I had no idea what he was talking about.


Ly got out at 3pm from her lecture for another batch of interns. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she hasn't had her lunch yet.

She made her way to the cafeteria, grabbed a sandwich and apple juice, and settled on a solitary table. She quietly, checking her emails and going through messages which she missed during her 3-hour lecture. There was a message from Alfred just saying good morning, and then about 10 messages from Den.

"Hi Ly, good morning, hope you had a good sleep"

"Goodluck on your lecture, I know you'll rock it"

"One reply and it will make my day. Yes? 😘"

Ly deleted all of her messages as she heaved in frustration. Ly was having an argument in hear head. "She needs to stop, I am with Alfred and she should respect my relationship. She can't just barge in back in my life and expect that everything will be ok between two of us.."


Ly was distracted from my thoughts, as she lifted her head to check on who was intruding on her alone time.

"Is this seat taken"


Den sat without waiting for any reply. "That's not enough for your day. Isn't it that you still need to do rounds later? You'll need to eat more."

"Den, you need to stop.."

"Stop what.."

"Just stop.. This, being sweet, caring.. I'm with Alfred now"

"I know. But it doesn't mean I can't fight for you"

"Den, please"

"Ly, I'm not going to make trouble. All I ask is for you to just let me do these things for you. Let me take care of you. You don't need to reciprocate. At least now, I'm free to show you that I love you" Den held Ly's hand from across the table, and Ly let it stay.

"Anyway, I won't bother you anymore.."

"You're not bothering me.." Ly replied, making Den smile. Den walked over to her side and handed to her a brown paper bag.

"Make sure you get some rest ok?" Den said as she leaned to kiss Ly's cheeks, before bidding goodbye. Ly watched as she walked away.

Ly opened the paper bag and found cadbury chocolates, her favorite. Inside was a small note "I still haven't forgotten. I hope these still makes you smile"

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