FM 23

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7 years, that's how long we were together.

WERE.. Past tense.

Despite the lack of support from Den's parents, luckily, she was still able to get a scholarship to med school from being an athlete. We made ends meet, between our endorsements and talent fees from our projects and modeling on the side, we had enough to sustain us.

When we graduated from University after our back-to-back championship, Den had to move out of the dorm. I could stay for one more year as I still had 1 year to play for my eligibility, but we decided to look for our own place so that we can still be together.

Moving in together was the natural progression for us. We have been together for 5 years. She 23, I turning 22, in love, successful-- we were on top of the world. Except for one thing-- we still haven't gotten the blessing of Den's mom.

As time passed, Den told me that it doesn't matter anymore, that she doesn't care if her mom never accepts us. That she loves me and that's all that she needs. But I know it still hurts her.

She thinks I don't hear her when she sneaks in for quick chats or phonecalls at night with her siblings in the dead of the night. She thinks I don't notice how, on some ocassions, she comes back with swollen eyes from crying, over missing important details in their life.

I never ask her. I just hold her hand and tell her that we're in this together. That I'm never letting her go.

March 25, 2017. I will never forget that day.

"Ly, Ly!" Den came rushing into our room, a big smile plastered on her face. She jumped on the bed and hugged me.

"Yes babe?" I hugged her back and kissed her.

"Dad called and invited me to Mosh's graduation dinner tonight! Oh my gosh!!" She was laughing as tears fell from her eyes. "I'm so happy, I thought I would miss it..." She was kicking her legs in excitement. But then she suddenly stiffened up

"Ly, babe, I'm sorry I can't bring you with me"

"Hey, it's ok baby. What's important for me is that you'll be with your family. Take lots of photos and send my love to Moshy ok?"


"Ly, come on hurry up! Help me with this dress!"

"Calm down babe" I laughed "Mosh will be the one graduating, not you"

She hit me in the arm mockingly "I'm just so excited to see them! He's probably a lot taller than me now. And Jus! Oh my gosh, have you seen how pretty she is in photos? I bet she's gorgeous now!"

She ran around the room, running for her shoes and rummaging through her things. I smiled seeing how happy she is.

"Oh gosh, the gifts!" She ran to one cabinet where she had kept all of the gifts for her siblings over the years. Finally, she would be able to give it to them. I couldn't help but get teary eyed as she would finally get the reunion she long prayed for.

"How do I look?" She asked with nervous excitement.

I pulled her to sit beside me on the bed, wrapped my arm around her shoulders. I held her to face me as I kissed her forehead. "Calm down Den, it would be ok"

She leaned up as she kissed me. "I never thought this day would come that finally mom would allow me back"

I nodded my head as I smiled at her. "Go, you don't want to be late. Enjoy, but text me once in a while so that I don't miss you too much ok?"

She laughed as she jabbed my side, making me howl.

"I love you" she said.


7 pm
Text to Den: "Hey babe, hope you're enjoying the party. How's Moshy boy?"

Text to Den: "You're probably busy with dinner. Ok, text me later"

Text to Den: "What time are you coming home babe? Text me just to let me know you're ok"

Text to Den: "Hey baby, I'm still waiting for you. Let me know what time you're coming home"

Text to Den: "Babe, I'm getting worried. Is everything ok? I love you."

Text to Den: "babe? I love you."

I checked my phone every 5 minutes to see if she has replied, nothing. I know she's probably busy with the reunion. I smiled remembering how happy she was before she left.

I fell asleep waiting for her and was awakened when my phone beeped. I immediately sat up knowing it was a message from her

1am, March 26, 2017
Message from Den: "I'm sorry Ly. I hope one day you can forgive me. I love you so much, always"

I read the message over and over in disbelief. Was this a prank? A joke?

Is this a dream? I pinched myself to check if I was awake. I tried dialling her phone but it was turned-off.

I threw my phone against the wall. And I heard a loud bang and a crash, as I fell to my bed and curled in tears.

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