FM 19

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Den stepped out of her room after her 9am class and was surprised to find Ly waiting for her.

Stood on the corner, holding a bouquet of flowers, Den saw Ly before Ly could see her. Den could not help the wide smile that involuntarily crept up her face as soon as their eyes met. Walking towards Ly, she could feel her heart palpitate with excitement upon nearing her amore.

"Hi" She said.

Ly shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She gave a lopsided smile as she held out one hand to reach for Den. Den clasped their hands together as Ly twirled her before settling in an embrace, then giving Den a kiss on the forehead.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have class?"

"I'm exempted from class today. And..." Ly dragged on, so that she could hand the flowers to Den "I just wanted to spend the day with you."

"Ok, where are we off to?"


"No fair! Wait up!" Ly laughed as she tried to catch up with me, while I ran with all my might towards the highest point of the park behind the dorm, hidden by all of the tall trees.

We spent the day, mostly just really talking, away from the stresses of school, training, life... my problems. I've learned to live with the fact that my mom have cut me off from my family. While my dad still tries to touch base with me once in a while, I know that he always ends up fighting with my mom over it.

I can't do that to my family. I can't have my choices break up my parents and leave my siblings with a broken family. I can't let Justine and Mosh suffer through that pain just because I chose my happiness.

Sometimes I ask myself if it is all worth it-- all the pain, the tears. And then I see her-- one smile, one touch -- and I know it's worth it. She's worth it.

"Hey, you're in deep thought.." Ly held my hand as she sat beside me on the grass.

I kissed her cheek before lying on my back and closing my eyes. I placed my arm over my eyes to shut out the glaring sun.

"I missed this"

"Us going on dates? Sorry, UAAP 75 has been really stressfull, you know, with the pressure of us getting the championship as a farewell for the Fab 5."

"Not that. Us just being us, just being together away from all the pressures, the limelight, the screaming fans. It's fun but sometimes it can get too much. Sometimes I just wish to run away back into the simplicity when we were just Aly and Den. Back when you were only mine."

"I am only yours"

"I know. But do you know how many people I have to fight to keep your attention for myself? Like a full arena!"

"Haha, stop that!"

I pulled Ly and rested her head on my tummy so that she can lie perpendicular to me. I brushed my hand over her abs and silently smiled, thinking how many people envy me for having the license to hold her this way.

We stayed there in silence, just holding on to each other. I hate silence as it is more defeaning than the loudest crashing noise. In silence, I can hear all of the thoughts going on in my head, of the pain I have long burried in my heart. I've never told her how, sometimes, in the dead silence of the night, wrapped in her arms, I cry myself to sleep as I feel my problems weigh down on me.

She wraps her arms around me and I am brought back to the reality that I have her. As I feel her skin against mine, I feel the fire in my heart ignite with how much I love her.

She smiles up at me and I feel my world stop. If only we can stay in this moment and escape the reality that awaits us as we go back down from this hiding place.

But Ly doesn't know. She can't know. Of course it hurts. I miss Jus and Mosh. During games when I see the family of my teammates cheering for us, I peek at the corner of the arena, hoping to catch a glimpse of my own family, but I know they won't come. Behind the showers while we celebrate in the lockers, I let the water wash away my tears.

I picked up the roses she gave me and let its scent engulf my senses. "Ouch!" I silently screamed as I pricked myself with the thorns. Roses are my favorite flowers even if I always end up pricking myself on its thorns.

Ly laughed a little before pulling my finger towards her lips and sucked on it to remove the thorn. She spit out the blood from it and kissed the wound where the thorn has been. "There, all better"

I smiled and hugged her. "I love you Ly. Always."

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