FM 9

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Den opened her eyes as she felt the rays of sun against her face piercing from her bedroom window. For a moment she was confused as to why she is looking over the window when her bed is on the far end of the room. She slowly touched her eyes as it felt a bit painful and sensitive to the light, and felt it all puffy and swollen.

Slowly it came to her, everything that happened last night. This is not her bed, this is Ly's bed. Shifting her gaze, she held the arm that has been protectively wrapped around her to keep her from falling off the small bed.


"Uhmmm" Ly responded but she was still on the verge of sleep.

Den shifted her body so that she could face her. "Ly..." She repeated again, gently brushing her hair that has covered her beatiful face.

"Morning baby" Ly sleepily said, still with her eyes closed, pulling Den closer and hugging her tighter.

Den couldn't help but smile as to how confortably they eased back into this position, naturally and without any doubts. Whereas last night, they fell asleep with tears in their eyes and their memories clouded with pain, their hearts knew what they trully needed. To be held in each others arms and feel all the hardships of the last 2 years drain all away.

To feel each other's love, feel it all over, and feel how it is, finally, to breath again.

To feel how it is to be alive again.

"Ly..." Den gently cooed, softly kissing Ly's dimples just beneath her lips.

Ly smiled and finally opened her eyes and found herself staring at Den's eyes, and she felt breathless.

"I love you Den..." She was surprised when her tears started falling.

"Hey..." Den cupped Ly's cheeks and lifted her chin so that they could look at each other's eyes.

"Haven't we cried enough since last night?" She joked to lighten the mood, and kissed Ly's forehead.

"I just thought this day will never happen again. Me, holding you this way, telling you I love you.." Ly burrowed her face on Den's chest as they shifted positions, with Den cradling her.

"What happened the last 2 years Ly?" Den whispered, looking up at the ceiling. She wanted to know the truth but she was afraid of the answers.


"Den wants to become a doctor. She wants to go to college and be a famous volleyball player. She wants to get her scholarship so that she can reach all of her dreams and live a comfortable life. This is the life she is throwing away when she decided to run away with you." Mommy Arlene told Ly while they were in the car.

"Do you really want to do that to her Alyssa? Do you want her to give up her dreams for you?!?"

"No ma'am" Ly lowered her head as she cried as she was hit with the realization of the consequences of their actions.

"But we can still dream together mam, we will return to school. We will inspire each other..."

"Obviously, you 2 are such distractions to each other and staying together is doing you more harm than good. Don't force us to make harsh decisions iha, I would have no qualms about sending her to study in the USA if jt means securing her future."


Ly didn't know how long she was on the ground crying like a child. She knew they were going to take her away, she even agreed with them on that. Or rather, she even paved the way for them to do that. But thinking about the pain and actually having the pain actually hit you are two totally different things. Nothing could have prepared her for the gut-wrenching feeling of having Dennise actually dragged away from her and she did not do anything. She could have if she wanted to, but she didn't, because this time she was choosing Den's future and life over her own happiness.

Picking up her phone, she called the only persons she could turn to

"Momsy, popsy, I'm sorry... Can you please pick me up.." Those were the only words she could get out as the onslaught of tears silenced her words.


Den's car has just arrived and parked in their driveway. Ever since she ran away, her mom has removed her from the school bus and has insisted on driving her to and from school. She has been grounded, practically a house arrest, but not that it bothered her as she didn't feel like going out anyway.

Since the day they took her away from Ly more than a month ago, she has been happy secluded in the confines of the 4 walls of her room. At least in here, she can dwell on her feelings. When she steps out of the room, she is forced to pretend that she is ok, that she has already moved on from Ly, when the truth is, she is still hoping for her to come back. And she is tired of pretending, that locking herself in her loneliness feels like a better option.

"Dennise?" Her Dad called out.

"Huh?!" She was surprised when she was broken from her thoughts. She didn't even realize that she zoned out as she stood at the gate, looking out into the horizon.

"Go inside, I'll lock the gates."

Nodding her head, she kissed her Dad in the cheeks to say hello and silently headed inside the house.

Unknown to Den, Mike decided to go to the park across their house. Sitting on the bench directly fronting their gate, he spoke out to no one in particular.

"You think I don't see you, but I do..."

"I'm sorry sir, I just want to see her" Ly stepped out from the shadows and sat beside him.

They sat side by side but neither of them looked at the other.

"I miss her terribly sir. But I promise, I'm not going to make any trouble."

"I know.... You're a good kid Alyssa." He patted his pants then stood up.

"Stay for a while, 10 minutes or so. Then go straight home ok, it's getting dark." Then he went home without looking back at Ly.

Ly just sat at the bench, not really understanding what Mike meant. She was surprised, however, when Den went out of the house and started watering the plants. Ly couldn't help but stare at the beauty she has so missed these days. They were only a few meters apart, but Ly had to be content on watching her from afar.

'Look up please. Just a glimpse, that's all I need. Just one smile' Ly silently prayed.

Den moved around in the garden touching the rose that she had cared of. She looked up as she watched the sunset, basking in the glow of the last rays of the sun for this day. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, 'how many more sunsets will I have to count before the pain goes away, Ly?' She asked herself. Seeing the first blush of the moon and the stars, she smiled. Silently she wished upon the brightest star, "please bring me my love. Ly, come to me"

From across the street, Ly wiped her tears.


"What happened the last 2 years Ly?"

Ly brought Den's hand to her lips and kissed it, "my heart died every single day." She smiled bitterly

"Don't ever let me go again Ly, please" Den sighed as she snuggled into Ly's embrace.

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