FM 27

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Ly slammed her car door as she got in it. She was still shaking from her confrontation with Den and she was an emotional mess. Placing her head against the steering wheel, she slammed her hand against the dashboard to release her anger.

She hated Den for bringing back all of the feelings that she thought she had long forgotten. But now, they were resurfacing and she knew that she never really got over the pain, she just managed to bury it deep in her heart.

And she hated it, because she was back to that version of herself. The damaged Alyssa Valdez who was crying day in and day out, praying for one Dennise Lazaro to love her again.

"Why did you even have to come back!!! Just when I was starting to live again!!!"


"So here is the portfolio of the team of clinical pyschologists that you'll be working with for your paper." The Chief handed to me a folder and I scanned through the papers.

"As you can see, as young as they are, they have already made a mark for their reseach in clinical psychology and child trauma"

"Is there a problem Dr. Lazaro?" He asked me and I snapped out of my initial shock.

"No Chief, nothing"

"Ok, I need you to prepare your thesis on child trauma and psychosis in relation to healing methods after an open surgery. Do this well Lazaro, and you are my bet for chief resident."

"I'll try my best Chief"

I clutched the folder in my hand until the Chief left my office.

Sitting on my desk, I opened the portfolio and looking straight at me, wearing the biggest smile, is a photo of Dr. Alyssa C. Valdez.

I slumped back on my chair as I tried to massage my temples as I felt an impending migraine.


"Ly, I got a call from the Chief, he said that he'll be assigning us to work with the new residents for the pediatrics" Ella said as she walked into Ly's room.

Ly spun around in her chair to face Ella. "So, they'll send us the new stuck-up residents to work with us, who think they're better that is coz their the 'real doctors'. Wow..." Ly said sarcastically and Ella chuckled before sitting on Ly's desk.

"You still hate the last one they sent that much, huh?!"

"How did she say it again?? Ohh, I remember, 'I don't get it why they call psychologists doctors when they don't have a medical degree'. You know an MD?" Ly mocked in a blonde bimbo tone as she collapsed laughing with Ella.

"Well, if they're that good, then why do they need us?"

"High five on that!" Ella chimed in "But Ly, can you not scare this batch as much as the last one? Just keep the psychoanalysis tricks to a minimum"

"I'll try" Ly laughed

"Ok, I'll see you later. I still need to finish my paper on child witnesses"

"Ayt, see you later Pots!"


3pm. I'm pacing back and forth and the 2nd floor of the hospital, holding a folder and a crumpled piece of paper with information scribbled on it.

I've been standing outside this door for the last 5 minutes, delaying the inevitable.

"Room 213 - Dr. Alyssa C. Valdez" The name plate read.

"Let's do this Den!!" I spoke in my head as I gathered courage to even knock on her door.

It's been almost 3 years since I've last seen her; since I walked out of her life that night after we made love.

Has she forgiven me?

Here goes; I let out my breath as I felt my heart ramming against my chest. I knocked on the door

"Come in" I heard her say

I turned the knob and entered the door, as I saw her with her head down, finishing something that she was writing as she prepared to stand. She still hasn't looked at me as she made her way from her desk to reach me near the door, as she was fiddling with her phone.

And then she was in front of me.

It was as if the world stopped when I finally saw her stand and face me, and for the first time in years, I am with her again.

I smiled nervously at her, while I saw her face change from a smile to a confused one.

"Dennise? What are you..."

"I'm the new resident" I said, acting cool, but palms all sweaty, as I flashed the folder in front of her.

"I believe you're my resource person" I added.

"I don't think that's possible" she turned around, hands inside her labgown, as she returned to her desk

"Well it says so right here" I rushed after he, waiving the portfolio

"They can't do this" she started dialing her desk phone "Ivy, connect me to the Chief right now!"

"It's already done!" I stated in a panic. No, she can't call the Chief, this will ruin my career.

I slammed my hand on the phone to hang up

"What the hell Den?!?"

"You can't call the Chief"

"I sure can" she swatted my hand away from the phone as I continued to hang it up.

"Stop being childish Ly. of course we can be professional about this"

"Yahhhh, this is so professional" she widened her eyes at me, sarcastically pointing out to me the stupidity of how we were acting.

"Ok," i said a bit embarassed, and composed myself

"Of course we can work together. I mean I have no problem working with you, unless" I started walking away


"Unless you can't coz you know, you still have feelings for me"

I braced myself for her reaction. This was the only way I knew i would get her on board this Project.

"What????!!! You have some nerve Dr. Lazaro!!!" She stood up from her desk as she slammed her hands on it.

"So, what is it Dr. Valdez?" I challenged her.

"I'll see you here tomorrow at 7am. Don't be late and be ready."

She walked to her door as she opened it, ushering me out.

I stretched my hand to offer a handshake. "I'll see you tomorrow then." She shook my hand and I stepped out. As soon as the door closed, I slumped against the wall and heaved a sigh of relief.

I walked back to my room at the first floor.

"Room 132 - Dr. Dennise Lazaro"

I smiled as I changed the door sign. "The Doctor is IN"

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