FM 10

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Ella and Amy rushed to Alyssa when they saw her at a bookstore at the mall.

"What are you doing here? I thought you said you had to do a project?" Amy asked.

"Yahh, I just needed to buy some stuff for ..." Ly held on to Ella's and Amy's arms as she pulled them to the other isle.

"Are you with anybody?"

"Babe, I can't find the.."

"Den?!?" Ella and Amy said at the same time as they bumped into her at the end of the isle.

"Are you 2 here together?" Ella asked, shifting her glances from one to the other.

"And, did you just call Ly 'Babe'?" Amy added

"NO!!" Ly and Den screamed at the same time.

"Whoaah, chill" Amy reacted, raising both of her hands in front of her.

"Yeah, are you 2 together? Den, I thought you said you were not feeling well?"


Ly and Den said at the same time, and Den slapped her forehead.

"I meant, I was not feeling well. Earlier. Yah, earlier.."

"But I needed stuff for the.. Ahm.. Project.. So I asked Den" Ly cut in

"And I remembered that I needed.. Some stuff... For a project" Den added in

"So yah... Since we both have projects.. We thought.. Hey.. Yah.. Want to go to the mall or something?" Ly chimed in while Den fervently nodded her head.

"So.. There" Den finished off smiling and hooking her arm with Ella as the 4 of them walked around the bookstore.

"Ok... But 'Babe'?" Amy asked again.

"I didn't say Babe!"

"She didn't day Babe..."

"I said... Dave.. Yahh Dave"

"Dave?!?" Ly asked, stopping dead in her tracks and pulling Den's elbow to face her. "Who's Dave?"

Den's eyes widened, "Dave... Dave...the attendant at the bookstore.. I was asking for help looking for.. Something.. a book.. a Chem book!"

Ly rolled her eyes as Den mouthed a quick sorry.

"Chem? But aren't you a Bio major?" Amy asked, scratching her head looking at Ly and Den who were exchanging confused glances.

"You know what, let's just eat" Ella suggested and everyone agreed. Den arm-in-arm with Ella, and Ly and Amy not far from them.

"It's good to see that you 2 are finally getting along." Ella whispered to Den.

"Well, we are teammates and roommates, so it's for the good of everyone that we try."

"Is that the only reason?" Ella asked, batting her eyelashes playfully at Den.

"Whatever Besh" Den laughed and hit Ella lightly on the shoulder.

Ella then started singing "2 old friends, meet again..."

Den continued laughing at Ella who was seriously singing. She dragged Ella towards Shakey's "Come on let's just eat, you're just hungry."

Behind them, Amy asked Ly "You 2 ok now?"

"Just civil" Ly avoided Amy's eyes, and instead focused her gaze on Den in front of her.

Amy hooked her arm in Ly's to get her attention, "her tantrums are out of this world but she's a good person Ly."

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