FM 18

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Den rubbed her eyes in an attempt to release some pressure from it. Checking her watch, she tried to suppress a yawn, as she stretched her back. Shifting her head from side to side, she then shook her head to bring her senses back.

She's tired, it's 10pm, and she just finished a 5 hour pedia-surgery. While she's happy that the operation went well, all the stress and anxiety is know weighing on her.

"Good evening Dr. Lazaro" the receptionist greeted her. "Pulling another all-nighter?"

"Hi Merce, no, I should be going home in a while. Just need to wrap some paper works before calling it a day." Den sleepily replied as she stepped into her office.

Laying down the keys on her table as she removed her lab gown, she was stopped mid-way when she noticed a bouquet of flowers on top of her table.

Picking it up, she read the card on it "hi Beshy, saw these today and remembered you. Hope it made you smile. Take some break. Dinner? I'll wait for you. Love you always!"

Den walked out her door quickly "Merce, what time did these come in?"

"Around 6:30 mam. Dr. Valdez brought those herself here."

Slapping her forehead, Den hissed in disappointment. "Oh, ok, what time did she leave?"

Merce scrunched her forehead and pursed her lips pointing to something behind Den "she didn't"

Den quickly twirled around to follow what Merce was looking at, towards the patient bench beside her office door. She let out a small chuckle as she saw Ly, slumped on the bench, sleeping, with her hoodie covering her face.

Den couldn't help but smile as she had a vision of the college Ly in her hoodie, slumped on arena floors, trying to cath some sleep in between classes and games.

Kneeling in front of Ly, Den stroked her face gently. "Hey Beshie, wake up"

Ly stirred from her sleep "uhh, Den, sorry I fell asleep. I was just tired from training the interns the whole day"

Ly stood up and held both of Den's hand to pull her up. "Shucks, didnt know it was too late." Moving behind Den she waived towards Merce "hey Merce! Sorry for squatting on your benches again" she smiled shyly

"No worries Dr. Valdez, I didn't mind staring at your beauty the entire time" Merce flirted which made Den roll her eyes.

"Come on, she dragged Ly towards her room"

"No, it's ok. It's late, you've probably had dinner already. I'll just go"

Den closed the door behind her and removed her lab gown, dumping this on her couch.

"Actually, I haven't" she slumped on her couch and kicked out her shoes.

"What?!? Den???" Ly whined.

Den leaned up a bit, just enough so that she can grab Ly and pull her down to sit beside her.

"Hep! No scolding! I had a long day" Den closed her eyes and leaned it on Ly's shoulder. She tucked her legs underneath her in an indian seat, and Ly pulled her closer to make her feel comfortable.

Stroking Den's back, Ly kissed the top of her head.

"Did you eat?" it was her turn to ask Ly

"Nope, I was waiting for you"

"Ly!" Den bolted up and slapped Ly's arm.

"Owwww! Sadist!" And they both laughed.

"Come on, I'll bring you home"

"Can we stay here for a while, I'm too tired to go home. And the condo is too silent, it's depressing"

"Ok, but you need to eat"

"Pizza?" She clapped her hands like a child

"Ok" and Ly proceeded to call for pizza delivery while Den laid herself fully on the couch in an attempt to get some rest. Closing her eyes, she started to doze off.

She felt Ly return to the couch. Ly lifted Den's head to rest on her lap as she stroked Den's face and hair. "Go on, catch some sleep, I'll wake you when food is here."

"Uhmm," Den smiled in contentment. Taking Ly's hand, she kissed Ly's palm.

Ly closed her eyes and leaned back her head as they settled into the silence, with only the sound of their breathing surrounding them.

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