Chapter One.

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—First Person POV.—

I blew some air out, a tune starting to play across my parted lips in a sweet melody.

One of my hands gripped the flashlight while the other was stuffed into my pocket, my fingers grazing over my knifes handle.

A sound.

My eyes flickered to the left as a bush rustled, the wind licking the leaves and causing the noise but for safe measures, I tilted my flashlight in that direction, it's yellowish rays glossing over the seemingly silent bush.

I blinked, letting out a sigh before turning on my heel and walking off again.

I brushed some hair out from in front of my eyes and pulled my scarf up a bit more.

After a few more quiet seconds of walking I started to whistle again, a new melody from one of the songs I love.

My voice seemed to echo off of the trees, their leaves blocked any moonlight from creeping in and possibly lighting a path for me.

But it didn't matter since I had my flashlight and knew where I was heading.

In the middle of the day I made sure to explore these woods so I would know exactly where I was going.

But it was night time now and these woods seemed to get quieter and darker with every step I took.

I could still see the silhouettes of trees around me and my old looking flashlight lit up my path without an issue.

A stick crumpled beneath my boot and the trees twitched.

I paused, the air seemed to drop as I took my last step and came to a stop.

I continued to whistle, brushing my nail against the leather on my knifes handle as I pretended to take interest in some leaves to the left of me.

But of course my eyes where flickering elsewhere, glancing around and checking for any change in the environment.

Then I heard it.

The small rustle of feet stepping on leaves and approaching me from behind.

I took in a breath before continuing my whistling.

"Hello?" Her small voice questioned, my whistling coming to a stop as I turned around to look at her.

I flashed my light onto her small figure as I turned— There she was, covered in dirt with a bullet hole in her forehead, the girl I was walking out her for.

I crouched down to one knee and stared at her in confusion "What are you doing out here?"

Her emerald eyes blinked as she stared towards my crouched figure, hugging her bear gently to her chest "I got lost.." She looks down to her dirt covered dress.

"Come on, I'll show you how to get out of here" I reassure, holding my once pocketed hand out to the child.

She nodded, walking a few extra steps to reach me before letting go of the bear with one of her hands and allowing me to take her dirt covered one in my own.

A friendly smile graced my features as I stood up and started walking, leading the little girl back the way I had come.

"So what's your name?" I asked, attempting to start up a small conversation to keep her busy.

"Sally!" She suddenly brightened, her emerald eyes seemingly glowing as she looked up at me. The sudden change in attitude didn't phase me, knowing what she was— I expected something like this.

"What's your name Ms?" She questions, pure curiosity in her tone and I felt my expression soften towards her voice.

"My name's (Y/n), nice to meet you Sally." I glance away, making sure we stayed on the right track to get out of here.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now