Chapter Twelve.

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—First Person POV.—

I wake up in a cold sweat, my eyes wide as I sit up.

I had been dreaming— Dreaming of something leaning over me, the stench of rotten flesh evident in the air.

It's hooked claws and jagged teeth out on display as it unhinged its jaws, the weight on my chest restricting my breathing.

I snap back to reality and look around— I reach under my pillow and for a second, I could have sworn I felt the smooth surface of a large tooth there but instead, my hand wraps around the hilt of my knife and I let out a sigh of relief.

Kenya is staring at me from the floor, his dark eyes reflecting the moon and he seemed just as startled as I was.

He was probably sleeping on my chest and that's why I couldn't breathe.. The thought of me accidentally flinging him in my panic sent a chuckle through my lips, easing the fear in my chest a little.

He hops back onto the bed and curls up near my leg— I want to lay back down as well, I want to go to sleep.

But there's this tense feeling in my body, even though I'm tired, I feel like I want to get outside and run fifty yards and climb trees like a little kid again.

I grab my phone from the nightstand, the screen lights up and once I'm done turning the brightness down, 3:47am is what it reads.

And I find out it's Saturday.

I'm glad I don't have school tomorrow cause I know I won't be able to fall back to sleep, the nights are starting to bleed together and I'm losing track of time more often than not.

Without another thought, I get out of bed, effortlessly earning a head tilt from Kenya as I throw some clothes on, stuffing my knife into my back pocket and head out the door.

I walk down the stairs, the moonlight allowing me to see moms keys sitting on the kitchen counter.

I snatch them up and am driving down the road with the light of the moon in my windows.

I already know where I'm going. even though I can't remember deciding to do it.

—Time Skip.—

I park the car in Izuku's weed-filled driveway and am practically sleep walking my way up the old cracked sidewalk.

I don't even hear the creaks of the porch steps as I climb them and don't really pay much attention when my hand wraps around the door knob and turns it.

I take one step into the house and fall.

The floorboards are gone, instead, I drop about eight feet and land in dusty, cold dirt.

A few deep breaths get the wind back in my lungs and I pull my legs to my chest, not thinking of anything else but 'What the hell?'

When my brain finally decided to wake up fully, I stay in my position and flex my quads.

I'm surprised to have both of my legs still intact, I can feel the adrenaline filling my body as I start to question where I am— Where ever this is, it's dark, and it reeks of damp and rot.

Lots of things have either died down here or died elsewhere and where stuffed here.

The thought sends a chill down my spine and I reach back for my knife.

The more I look around, the more I recognize the ethereal gray light from the house; It's leaking down through what I guess are the floorboards now above my head.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now