Chapter Fourteen.

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—First Person POV.—

Denki is bombarding me with questions as we speed walk through Izuku's unkept lawn and to the driveway.

He just keeps hollering questions at me but I'm not paying attention to his loud words— All I can think is that Izuku is a murderer.

Yet he is not evil.

Izuku kills, but he doesn't want to kill.

He truly is like nothing I've ever seen before.

Denki grabs me by the arm and I spin around "What?" I snap "Do you want to tell me exactly what the hell you where doing in there??"

"Not really." Some light hits my eyes, either I slept longer than I thought or was talking to Izuku for a really long time.

The first lights of dawn start to flutter through the clouded sky above.

I blink and glance down at Denki's hand still holding my arm, thoughts flooding my mind as realization dawns on me.

"You followed me.." I breath before my eyebrows furrow "What're you doing here?" My voice comes out calm, masking the slight anger and annoyance boiling under my skin.

He shifts in place "I couldn't sleep. And I wanted to see if it was true, so I went over to your house and saw you leaving—"

"You wanted to see if what was true?" He's staring at me, almost as if waiting for me to figure it out myself so he doesn't have to say it, but I hate that game.

After a few long seconds of my annoyed silence, he breaks "I talked to Jirou, she said you—" He pauses and from the expression on his face, I can tell he feels stupid.

"She says you kill ghosts for a living, like some ghostbuster of something—"

"I am not a ghostbuster"

"Then what where you doing in there?"

"I was talking to Izuku."

"Talking to him? He killed Emily! He could've killed you too!!" His voice is raising with each sentence and starting to give me a headache.

"No he couldn't." I glance at his house, it feels strange, talking about him so close to his home.

It doesn't feel right.

"What we're you talking to him about?" Denki questions, my eyes trailing over to his figure "Are you always so nosy?"

"What, like it was personal?" He shoots back with sarcasm in his voice "Maybe it was." I shrug his hand off of my arm and start heading to my moms car.

He probably pestered Jirou until she told him.

"Listen, let's just get away from here, okay? Follow me back to my place and we can take your car to Jirous. I'll explain everything there, I promise."

He raised his eyebrows, a skeptical look crossing his expression "...Okay" He finally agrees before walking to his car.

I get in mine and want to slam my head into the steering wheel, repeatedly.

That way the horn will cover my screams of annoyance.

Why cant I keep anyone out of my business?? It had never been this difficult before.

They accepted any cheesy cover story I made up, because deep down they didn't want to know the truth.

Like Kai and Shinu, they swallowed Jirou's story pretty easily.

But its too late now, Jirou and Denki are in on the game—and the this round is a whole lot more dangerous this time around.

—Time Skip.—

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now