Chapter Fifteen.

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—First Person POV.—

On the drive over, the high from the events of last night starts to wear off.

My eyes feel heavy and my head is falling like Madonna down the stairs.

Jirou is silent all the way to Izuku's, she's probably trying to think of a way to find other quirk users —Or from the small smile on her face— She's thinking about the hug between her and Denki.

If life where fair, Denki would have the guts to ask her out.

They would be a cute couple— But life isn't fair.

He'll probably continue being a chicken and end up with some cheerleader or one of the girls always surrounding him at school.

And Jirou will silently watch with her earbuds in her ears, blocking out the noise.

"I don't want you anywhere near the house." I say to snap her out if it and make sure she doesn't miss the turn.

"You can hang in the car, or follow me up the driveway— But he's probably still unstable after this morning, so you should stay off the porch." I state and she nods in agreement.

"You don't have to tell me twice." She chuckles.

When we pull into the driveway, she chooses to stay and keep the car warm and ready to bolt out of there at any given moment.

I make my way up alone.

When I open the front door, I look down to make sure I'm stepping into the foyer and not about to fall face-first into a boatload of corpses.

"Izuku?" I call, stepping into the house "Izuku? Are you okay?"

"That's a funny question." His voice answers as he comes out of a room from upstairs.

He's leaning against the rail, not the king of death, but the normal teenage boy "I'm dead." He laughs, a sad broken symphony as his eyes downcast to stare at the stairs in front of him.

He's lonely and guilty, and trapped.

He's feeling sorry about what happened.

"I didn't mean for anything like that to happen." I say with honesty on my tongue and take another step towards the staircase, setting my hand on the railing.

"Is he okay?" Izuku asks in a hopeful voice.

"He's fine."

"Good, I thought I might have bruised him." He breathes— Or looks like he breathed? I'm not sure.

Izuku goes silent, the two of us just staring at each other and I clear my throat "I need you to tell me what happened to you, I need you to tell me how you died."

"Why do you want to make me remember that?" He questions softly.

"Because I need to understand you, I need to know why you're so strong." I start thinking out loud, my brain barely registering the words leaving my lips as I say them.

"From what I know of it, your suicide wasn't that strange or specific, the main rumors being you jumped off a building or hung yourself— So I can't figure out why you are the way you are, there has to be something—" When I pause, Izuku is staring at me with wide eyes.


"I'm starting to regret that I didn't kill you." He mutters.

It takes a minute for my sleep-deprived brain to understand, but then I feel like a total ass.

I've been around so much death— I've seen so much sick, twisted shit that is rolls off my tongue like nursery rhymes.

"How much do you know—" Izuku asks, eyes averted to the side "..About what happened to me?" His voice is dark— Softer, more held back.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now