Chapter Eleven.

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—First Person POV.—

"So what's the Bio assignment about?" Denki questioned, leaning back in his seat.

I dragged his bag towards me and reached in, taking the papers from the pikachu themed backpack "We just need to make a chart on the genus Hapalochlaena."

"That's how you pronounce it?" I deadpanned, looking up to see Denki balancing a pencil on his forehead with his shoes on the table, allowing him to tilt back in his seat.

"It's literally another word for Blue ringed octopus." He leaned back farther in his chair "Sounds gross and boring."

"Of course it is." I pushed his legs off the table causing Denki to fall back and cause a loud clatter, catching the attention of some strangers in the library.

He got up, fixing his chair as he rubbed his head.

"Ow.." He whined, fake sobbing.

I rolled my eyes, watching as he turned to Jirou —Who he sat right next to.— and started 'crying' about how I'm abusing him.

She was busy changing the song on her iPod and absent-mindedly pat the top of his head, his eyes widened as she tapped away at the device "There, there."

She removed her hand but he stayed in that position, dumbfounded towards her action as a dark crimson hue dusted across his cheeks.

I cleared my throat, catching the attention of both of them —Jirou's dark eyes flickered up to meet mine while Denki sat back in his seat, his face still flustered as he also met my eyes.

"What's the plural for Octopus? Is it 'Octopuses'?" He asked, nervously glancing at Jirou.

"I think it's Octopi." Jirou intercedes, the two breaking out into a conversation while I plant my textbook on the table and sigh.

I would prefer getting newsprint on my fingers, researching the murdered boy instead of sea creatures.

"(Y/n)?" I snap out of my thoughts, looking up and trying my best to look like I was paying attention the whole time.

"Yeah?" "I said, do you want the southern blue-ringed octopus or the greater blue-ringed octopus?" Denki questions, staring towards me expectantly.

Jirou had walked off to a computer and was typing away at the keyboard, turning every so often to write things down.

"Uh— Greater blue-ringed octopus?" Denki nods and writes that down "I've never heard of these things before." He admitted with a laugh.

A small smile slithers across my lips "My dad told me about them when we where in Hawaii."

"You've been to Hawaii?" He beams, leaning towards me with literal sparkles in his eyes.

I chuckle "Yeah, we lived there until I was four actually, I don't remember very much." I admit with a sigh.

I'm absently flipping through my textbook pages  while Denki speaks "Does your dad travel a lot? For work or something?"

I nod, stopping on a page with a small doodle of the octopus "Yeah— Or at least, he did." In the corner of my eye, I see Denki tilt his head in confusion "He doesn't anymore?"

"He's kind of dead so—"

He goes silent, his voice getting caught in his throat and causing him to stutter out an apology, followed by him asking how it happened.

I told him that he was murdered and he gasps but I just continue reading the words on the page.

I mean, I'm glad he's trying to be sympathetic towards the news but I've seen these faces and heard these gasps for too long.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now