Bonus Chapter pt.9

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—First Person POV

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—First Person POV.—

After my voice trailed off, Aizawa stared at me for a long moment—eyes narrowed as if he was looking into my brain for any reason as to why I'd even conjure this up.

But he soon lets a sigh grace his lips, thankfully dropping his gaze in favor of rubbing an exhausted hand over his face "Fine." His coarse tone relinquished.

And I internally fist pumped the air in celebration.

"Great," I cleared my throat before lifting my hands up from my pocket to lightly clapped them together and then move on to toss my thumbs over my shoulder.

"I'll go tell Izuku, and we can—"

"Speaking of the ghost.." Aizawa cuts in, making my backtracking come to a pause as he suddenly glanced off—brows furrowed in contemplation for a moment that makes me raise a brow in questioning.

He doesn't continue.

And I blink "Shouldn't we hurry? We should probably get Bakugo linked to the knife soon so I can feed him, right?" My words came out slow—slightly tilting my head at the older man.

"No, that's not what I mean," He draws in a heavy breath—before letting it out in a deep sigh as he finally fixated his dark eyes on me "How are you feeling?"

"A little concerned, pretty in love," I half-joked, only to take it back with a cough as I straightened up—he didn't seem in the mood for my comments "But overall fine, why?"

"Are you tired?" Aizawa inquires, completely ignoring my own question and instead replying with one of his own.

"You're acting weird."

"Just answer the question, (Y/n)," He snapped slightly, and I flinched with the shift in his demeanor—making me feel like I was seven years old again, averting my eyes before slightly nodding my head.

"—But only because I barely got any sleep.." My voice trailed off carefully and I see his expression twist, a subtle tense in his slouched posture that made a flurry of alarm bells sound off in my head.

"Aizawa?" I call, gaze softening and brows furrowing in concern "What's wrong.?"

"He hasn't left your side since he's come back, correct?" He avoided my question again, his own inquiry serious and that look on his face makes something in my heart sink.


I nodded slowly, trying to understand where he was going with this "Yeah, he's been staying close?"

And I'm finally provided a hint of an answer when Aizawa's expression darkened slightly and he looks back to the shelves "I think he's connected to you more than we initially thought. And not in a good way."

A part of me wanted to just laugh nervously, but I'm sure doing that would lead to a shoe being tossed at my head "What do you mean?" I opted to press.

"I couldn't figure it out before," My mentor states, his voice growing heavy with frustration "I saw the house— It was gone, nothing for him to hold onto."

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now