Chapter Six.

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—First Person POV.—

My eyes snapped open, my body flying up into a sitting position and my breathing was labored.

The smell of dust filled my lungs and caused me to cough, the action causing an earsplitting headache to erupt and make black spots emerge into my vision.

I rapidly blinked, attempting to rid my sight from the annoying dots while my head felt like it was in shambles.

I lay back down on the hard floor, closing my eyes and trying not to think about how my poor head feels and figure out what's going on.

After a few minutes— And against my heads angered shouts not too, I slowly opened my eyes.

Turning my head to the side, each breath I took sent a small puff of gray across uneven floorboards.

I brought one of my hands up to feel the back of my head, red liquid dripping from my finger tips and causing me to internally curse.

I couldn't remember where I was or the events that brought me here, nor could I recognize exactly where here is.

After a few seconds, small fragments start to enter my mind, just like puzzle pieces falling into place I can remember little things like some weird stick bug in a tight blue dress holding up a board?

I blinked again in the strange bluish grey light.


'Strange bluish grey light-?' My eyes widen to the size of plates and I glance around from my spot on the floor.

I'm inside the house.

Instantly I'm wide awake— Ignoring the pain in my head as hundreds of questions flood my brain.

'How long have I been out? Which room am I in? How do I get out?' And the loudest of them was 'Did those bastards leave me here?'

Thankfully but not thankfully, my last question is answered when I hear Emily's voice "See, I told she's not dead." I could hear her acrylics tap on the window, my head painfully turning to glance up at her.

She's grinning, my mind becoming fuzzy from my movement and blocking out her stupid words.

She was most likely was calling me vulgar names but I didn't hear it until Denki's panicked voice caught my attention.

He was yelling how he's going to call the cops and asking if I've at least woken up yet.

"Denki!" I called, pushing myself up to one knee "I'm okay!" I yelled again, my head spinning once the words left my mouth.

"(Y/n)!" He shouts back, his voice seemed distant, he must still be by the car because of Shinu "These bastards— I swear I didn't know!"

I believe him, now attempting to stand up fully, I could feel my head leaking like a faucet, the crimson liquid dripping onto the floor and mixing in with the dust.

Once I get up a little more my brain does a back flip and I stumble back down into a sitting position.

"Look at her, she's down again. We should probably get her out of there, she might have a concussion." Kai's voice worriedly starts, this was probably the most emotion I've actually heard his voice have before.

"I've hit her with a board, hopefully she does have a concussion." Emily scoffed.

I quietly chuckled, heaving painful slices through the last parts of my brain.

'May God have mercy on this hoe, because I sure as hell won't when I get out of here.' Thoughts of how I should beat the crap out of her filled my head but sadly it only made my brain cry more.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now