Chapter Nineteen.

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—First Person POV.—

Behind me, I hear a thud, and I turn away from the scene, grateful for the distraction.

Inside the circle, Izuku is no longer standing.

He had collapsed on to the floor on his hands and knees.

The shadows drizzling from his hands twitch, his mouth is open like he might scream, or cry, but there is no sound coming out.

He watched his own throat get slit.

He watched himself bleed to death, redness soaking down into the house and saturating his shirt.

All of these things that he couldn't remember slapped onto his face— He's growing weak.

The man stands up straight, his back is turned away from us as he rips the costume from Izuku's dead grasp.

The costume, now drenched in blood.

"Damnit." The man says bitterly as he throws the costume off to the side and stares down at the boy, a huff escapes his lips from the previous scuffle they had before his eyes flicker on to the knife in his grasp.

He leans down and slits both of Izuku's wrists before retrieving something from a nearby drawer.

"Matches..?" I hear myself question as gets to his knees and presses his hands into the floor.

"You will never leave this house." He says as a black oily substance leaks from his fingers and crawls to the corpse.

The icky liquid wraps around Izuku "You will forever feed on suffering, blood, and death."

That's what the man says before standing and lighting a match 'He's a quirk user.' I mentally hiss, the curse, it makes perfect sense now.

I should have known the killer had some kind of quirk.

With what Izuku was saying, I should have known it'd be his father, yet I still would've never seen is coming—

He drops the match and Izuku's body ignites, first burning from his arms the blood from his wrists going up in flames with the fire slowly crawling to his neck.

Before his body is fully engulf in fire, shadows wrap around him, shutting out the light as he sinks into the floorboards.

Once his body is gone, burned to leave no blood behind, the man turns to grab the bloodied costume he had thrown.

He wedges up the board Izuku had sunk into.

And without another problem he slowly moves the knife, stuffing the bloodied costume down into the house in silence.

When the last bit of fabric disappears, he pushes the rest of the knife in to follow, along with the few ashes left behind from the fire.

Then he stomps the floorboards closed.

"Now you'll never leave this house." He whispers.

A woman calls from the staircase "Is anyone down there?" Her voice is loud with sleep as the man tosses the matches onto the counter and walks over to the staircase.

"It's just me." He calls, his smile covering the disgusting act he had just committed.

She seems to relax upon seeing him and nods, the house speeding up one last time to show the man comforting her as she cries on the couch.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now