Chapter Seven.

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—First Person POV.—

"Hey, wake up." I felt someone's finger poke my cheek. After a few seconds, it pulled back and pressed into my cheek again.

In annoyance, I reached up and attempted to swat away the person "Good, you're actually alive." I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the sun shining in my face.

A groan escapes my lips with a headache stabbing through my head as I glanced around the room. It was a living room, the sight of a tv stood not too far away from my position on a couch.

"What happened?" I questioned, attempting to push myself up into a sitting position.

Instead, I felt hands grab hold of my shoulders and press me back down onto the cushions "That's what I was going to ask you." Jirou grumbled, walking off to where I'd assume to be the kitchen.

"What where you doing at Deku's house?" I could practically feel her glare through the dark brown couch.

I rolled my eyes, the sound of a sink turning on drizzling past my ears "What where you doing following me?" Countering her question with my own, I could hear her sigh in annoyance.

"I said I wanted to help, didn't I?" She returned, a glass of water in one hand with something else in her other "Stalking me doesn't sound like helping."

"It does if I'm dragging you out of a house with a raging dead guy inside." "Touché.." She helped me sit up and handed the glass to me along with a few pills.

I raised an eyebrow in questioning and she dead panned "Just take it, it'll help with the headache."

I decided to believe her, not wanting to deal with this brain melting ache much longer. After I swallowed and handed her the cup again, she walked off, my eyes taking the time to scan her living room again.

A few instruments sat up against a wall near the kitchen, all of them seemed to be in great condition too.

"You play?" Her head popped out from the kitchens opening, her eyes glancing in the direction I was staring in before flickering over the instruments "Nah, those are my parents, mine are upstairs."

She disappeared back behind the wall, returning to what I'd assume to be washing my cup.

After hearing a few more clangs, she returned and stood, her back against the wall while her arms where crossed over her chest.

"Now, tell me what you where doing in that house." Her EarPods dangled around her neck, one of her hands coming up to fiddle with the wire as she awaited my explanation.

I let out a sigh, flopping back into the couch and causing my head to spin on accident.

Another annoyed groan left my lips as I closed my eyes "Well I obviously didn't waltz in there and trip." She scoffed "No dip Sherlock."

"Weren't you following me? Did you not see Emily attempt to remove me from this planet?" I tilted my head up and raised an eyebrow in questioning.

She nodded "Yeah, I still can't believe those bastards did that, dumped you in the house and tried to kill you." She sounded angry, of course I can't blame her, she probably hated having to watch everything play out.

That's when another thought passes through my aching head "Crap.." I mumbled.

Emily seemed like the type of girl to have a lot of 'friends' plus she was one of the richer kids that went to school here, she was one of the party girls.

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