Chapter Thirty-One.

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—First Person POV.—

When we get to Izuku's house, we start to unload, lugging as much as we can— This is where I meant when I said "our own turf." My own house feels tainted, and Jirou's is too close to the rest of the populace.

I mentioned the restless spirits to Aizawa, but he seems to think they'll scuffle off into a dark corner at the presence of so many quirk users.

I'll take his word for it.

Jirou gets into her car, which has been sitting here
the whole time, and dumps out her schoolbag, emptying it.

I feel okay, so far— I still remember what Aizawa said, about the decaying getting worse. There's an ache forming in my head, right between my eyes, but that might be from smacking against the wall.

If I we're lucky, we're accelerating the timeline enough so the battle will be over before his curse even becomes a factor.

I don't know how much use I'll be, if I'm writhing around in agony— I'm trying to stay positive, which is strange, as I tend to brood.

It must be this whole leader of the pack thing I'm trying on. I have to look well. I have to appear confident— Because my mother is worried to the point of prematurely graying, and Jirou and Denki look way too pale.

"Do you think he'll find us here?" Denki asks.

"I think he's always known exactly where I am." I shrug "Or, at least he always knows where the knife is."

He looks back over his shoulder at Jirou, still pulling bats from her car.

"Maybe we shouldn't have brought them." He thinks out loud "—Jirou and your mom, I mean. Maybe we should send them somewhere safe."

"I don't think there is such a place?" I say but I pause in thought "But you could take them, Denki. You could take them and hole up somewhere— Between the two of you, you could put up some kind of fight."

He's staring at me now "I mean— Since her quirk doesn't really help with fighting? And your electricity kind would be pretty helpful." I add.

"What about you? What about Izuku?"

"Well, we seem to be the ones he wants." I click my tongue.

Denki scrunches his nose up, he shakes his head "I'm not going anywhere. Besides, they're probably as safe here as anyplace else. They might get some crossfire but at least they're not alone, sitting ducks."

I glance at him fondly, the expression he wears is sheer determination. Denki is absolutely not naturally brave.

Which makes his bravery all the more impressive.

"You're a good friend, Denki."

He chuckles "Yeah, thanks. Now do you want to let
me in on this plan that's supposed to keep us from getting eaten?"

I grin and look back at the cars, where Izuku is helping my mother with one arm and carrying a six-pack of Dasani water in the other.

"All I need from you and my mom is binding him when he gets here." I explain while I continue to watch.

—Time Skip.—

Two fronts are set up in the house, which hasn't seen this much movement since... Possibly ever.

Denki and Aizawa are on the upper part of the house.

Aizawa's got his little scarf thing out with Denki attempting to touch it every now and then and earning a sharp glare.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now