Chapter Seventeen.

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—First Person POV.—

The door opens and in walks Kai, thankfully he is alone.

"So, what is the plan?" He asks and I can tell he doesn't like the unsure expression on my face.

I explain to him what a quirk is, his brows furrowing skeptically when I mention that Jirou and I don't hold the electric and matter part that we need.

"Where are you supposed to get—" I toss a bottle to him.

He catches it, his eyes widening slightly as he looks at the contents inside— And I hand an identical one over to Denki, who grabs it without a second thought.

"Drink up~" I say in a sing song voice and Kai sends a disbelieving look in my direction while Denki just shrugs and is already chugging the bottle.

"What even is this?" Kai questions and I shrug "It's supposed to help with our quirk problem so drink it and I'll explain what we'll be doing."

He just glances at the bottle for a second before slowly uncapping the lid.

"I'll go in first, followed by Jirou and who ever gets the electricity quirk." I start while Denki stands and goes to the kitchen to throw his bottle away.

"If anything goes wrong I'll try my best to hold him back but once Izuku's trapped, we'll be safe." Kai is taking small sips from his bottle.

"That's when the matter quirk comes in, they'll be in charge of reaching into Izuku's mind, the electric user can not break the cage until matter is done and Izuku is weak."

"—And even then we should probably get the hell out of there." I comment and Kai tosses the bottle back to me.

"Great." Kai says and he pauses, his eyes sending me a questioning glance "Why are we going to get out of there after? He'll be weak, right? Why don't we kill him then?"

"That's the plan." Denki answers, leaning over the couch with a smile "Right, (Y/n)?"

I pause, my eyes flickering up to meet Jirou's, she's absently pulling at one of her guitar strings but seems to notice my glance before subtly nodding in my direction.

"Yeah." I reply before clearing my throat "Depending on how everything goes down, I don't even know if it'll work."

Kai takes a step forward his calm glare sharpening "Why should it be you who has to kill him?"

"It has to be me." I state.


"Because I'm to only one who has a quirk that can kill him." I hold the knife up for Kai to see and he shrugs his shoulders.

"It's just a knife, slash and stab right? Any moron can do it."

I shook my head "It wouldn't work for you." I reply dryly "Unless you manage to pull a ghost killing quirk from your ass, this knife would be just a knife and just a knife won't be able to kill Izuku."

He lets out a tsk in annoyance at my inability to comply with his wants.

And before I know it, I'm standing to my feet with a challenging grin plastered across my face "Let's go we can take your car, right now."

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now