Bonus Chapter pt. 3

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—First Person POV.—

This is definitely not how I thought I'd be spending a school night.

I'm in the car, one hand clasped firmly on the steering wheel while the other is linked with the ghost in the passenger seat.

Its quiet and I send another cautious glance into the rear-view mirror—gaze briefly catching onto the sleeping demon just snoring away in my back seat.

Snoring very loudly, actually.

Izuku gives our connected hands a gentle squeeze, easily pulling my attention to the current passenger princess—who's staring through the window on his door, green eyes illuminated by the morning sun and I give his hand a squeeze back.

It was almost instinctual, a way to assure myself that he is physically here and I wasn't a closeted schizophrenic digging through the ruins of his house just because my cat actually saw a rat.

Speaking of Selma, she's curled up in his lap—purring away as his free hand lightly runs through the ball of fur.

The sight twisted my stomach with Deja Vu, pulling me back to a time when we were left alone, driving to get my mom—just moments before I would be getting tossed around and cursed by a human eating ghost so my organs would disintegrate one by one.


Good times.

"What are you thinking about?" Izuku wonders and I blink, just now taking notice of his alluring emerald gaze locked on me.

"Just reminiscing, that's all." I reply vaguely, allowing a smile to play on my lips when the dead boy raises an inquiring brow, but I don't continue—for obvious reasons.

The demon behind us hadn't even stirred from the jolt of the curb I totally saw and ran over as I pull into the driveway—quickly putting the car into park before unbuckling my seat belt with a sigh.

"Okay, let's go." I comment, gently letting go of Izuku's hand so I could exit the vehicle and walk over to the passenger door—after a moment of struggle with a hissing cat, and the new weight of an injured ghost now leaning on me, I drag him up to the porch.

His arm is slung over my shoulders and it feels like I have arthritis chomping on my back since I'm the only thing supporting this six-foot-three boy who can barely stand on his own.

I glance down, nearly contemplating dropping him for a moment when I realize that maybe this wasn't a good idea.

It was still the brink of dawn and any normal person would be sleeping right now.

My arms are occupied and I doubt Izuku would be able to ring the doorbell in his weak state—so like any normal person, I start kicking the door as hard as possible, causing the wood to rattle in thunderous thrums for the other normal person inside to hear.

Izuku jolts against me with the sounds and when I finally stop, his head is craned to look down at me, eyes wide and suddenly more 'awake' than he was five seconds ago.


He shakes his head, leaning down to flop back onto me and bury his face into the crook of my neck—sighing lightly "You're evil."

"He's a heavy sleeper." I defend, giving the door another harsh kick before the quiet thumping of someone walking down their steps meets my ears.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now