Chapter Three.

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—First Person POV.—

The schools halls bustled with life, of course today was my first day of school, only a few days after we had moved to this town.

But, today wasn't just my first day of school, it was everybody's.

People were already talking about, excited to see their friends again.

With each step I took, I could feel eyes lock onto me, even though I was new, I'd probably say I didn't look new, from how I didn't bother looking for my classes and just walked down the hall.

'I'll figure that out later' is what I told myself, my legs carrying me through the partially crowded halls in search of a specific girl.

Every school has them.

The pretty popular gal, who is the queen of the school, who guys have crushes on and girls are jealous of.

That's who I'm looking for.

In every case, she would be surrounded by a crowd of girls or guys attempting to befriend her to gain popularity or go out with her.

And that's exactly what I was searching for, she- or should I say, he wasn't hard to point out, with that crowd of girls circling him I'd have to be blinded than a bat to not know it was him.

His eyes flickered onto me for a second before he looked back as one of the girls started talking.

He was obviously very talkative, his smile never leaving as I passed by, regarding his existence.

This was just a small trick I learned over the years of constantly moving and without a second thought, he took the bait.

After a few seconds he leaves the group of girls and appears beside me "Hey, I haven't seen you around her before" was his conversation starter.

"Just moved to town." His smile never faulted as we continued to walk, now that he was closer, I could see he had bright golden eyes.

"Oh really? Then I guess I could help you out huh?" he beamed, the two of us coming to a stop as he held out his hand to me.

"I'm Denki Kaminari." A small smile spread across my lips as I reached out and shook his hand "(Y/n) Kalani."

As we walk, I sneak a glance back and see the large crowd he had been surrounded in start to break apart.

The group dispersing like a flock of birds when a dog barks at them.

Kaminari asked me about my first class to which I respond by handing my schedule into his hands.

From the way he moves, you could see how well he carried himself, as if he had never bowed down in his life.

But he didn't act entitled like most popular kids did, no, he seemed kind and very caring to anyone he met.

He didn't mind walking me to my class and when he left he sent me a smile and a wink over his shoulder before walking off down the halls again.

—Time Skip.—

Lunch came around and the cafeteria was filled with chattering high schoolers.

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