Chapter Twenty.

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—First Person POV.—

Is this what I wanted? I set him free.

I've just let the ghost I was sent to kill out of prison.

He's walking across his porch, his gloved hands trailing along the railing as he stares out into the dark.

He's like a wild animal let out of a cage: Cautious and hopeful.

His fingertips trace the wood on the crooked railing like it's the most wonderful thing he's ever felt.

And part of me is glad.

Part of me knows that he never deserved anything that happened, and I want to give him more than a broken porch.

I want to give him an entire life— His whole life back, starting tonight.

The other part of me knows there are bodies in his basement, lives that he stole, and none of this was their fault either.

I can't give Izuku his life back because his life is already gone.

Maybe I've made a huge mistake.

"We should get out of here." Denki says as he stares skeptically at Izuku's back.

I look to Jirou and she nods, so I walk towards the door, trying to keep myself between them and Izuku, though since I don't have my knife— I don't know how much use I'll be.

When he hears us come through the door, he turns and catches my eyes with an arched brow at the two hiding behind me.

"It's okay." He says "I won't hurt them."

"Are you sure?" I question and he sinks for a moment, trying to find the right words.

"I feel.. Sane, is that possible?"

"Probably not completely." Jirou mutters and I send a deadpan in her direction.

Izuku let's out a laugh as his eyes fall on to the dark haired female.

"You saved her, the first time." He states, staring at Jirou with those kind eyes "I remember you, you pulled her out."

"I don't think you would have killed her anyways." Jirou shrugs but a small smile falls onto her face, she liked the idea of being a hero.

"Why didn't you?" Denki asks "Why weren't you going to kill (Y/n)? What made you choose Emily instead?"

"Emily." Izuku repeats softly "I don't know, maybe it was because they were rude, I knew they'd tricked her— Maybe I felt.. Sorry for her?"

I snort "Sorry for me? I could've handled them myself."

"One of them smashed the back of your head with a board from my house." Izuku is giving me a knowing look and I feel myself deadpan again.

"You keep saying 'maybe'." Jirou breaks in "You don't know for sure?"

"I don't." Izuku sighs honestly "Not for sure, but I'm glad." He adds and smiles.

Seeing his smile brings my own smile to my face "We should go." I speak up after a pause "That whole thing took a lot out of us, we should all get some sleep."

"But you'll come back?" Izuku questions with hopeful eyes, as if he thinks he'll never see me again.

I nod.

I'll come back.

To do what? I don't know.

I know that I can't let Chisaki keep my knife, and that I'm not sure if Izuku's safe as long as he has it.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now