Chapter Thirteen.

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—First Person POV.—

He wasn't concerned from how close we where, he was curious and from the small bits of wonder dancing in his green eyes, I questioned what he had been like all those years ago.

Then I remember that I'm extremely pissed— I wave my hand back towards the kitchen and stairs "What the hell was that about?!"

"I thought you should know what you're dealing with." He states, face deadpanning while he crosses his arms like some toddler being scolded.

"What? Some bratty boy throwing a tantrum in the kitchen? You were trying to scare me off." I huff, pointing an accusing finger in his face.

"That sad little display was supposed to send me running for the hills." He looks away from my statement "Sad little display?" He scoffs "I bet you almost cried and ran home."

I open my mouth and bring my hand back to cover it. He almost made me laugh, and I'd still like to be pissed, only not literally—

Oh crap, I'm laughing.

Izuku blinked and smiles, fleetingly, he's trying not to laugh himself.

"I was.." He pauses, uncrossing one of his arms to rub the back of his neck "I was angry with you."

"For what?" I question through my small fit of giggles "For trying to kill me?" He admits, and we both end up laughing more.

"And you tried so hard to not kill me." I smile "I guess it must've seemed pretty rude." I'm still laughing with him.

We're seriously having a conversation.

What is this?? Some kind of reversed Stockholm syndrome?

"What are you even here? Did you really come to try and kill me again?" He's still chuckling but I can hear the words clear as day.

"Oddly enough, no, I—I had a bad dream and needed to talk to someone." I awkwardly brush my hand through my hair "And I guess I just figured, well, Izuku must be up— So here I am?"

He lets out another laugh "What could I say to you? What could we talk about? I've been out of the world for so long."

I shrug and the words leave my mouth before I any other thought crosses my mind "Well, I was never really in the world in the first place, so—" I pause and glance down.

I can't believe I'm being so emo.

I'm complaining to a boy who committed suicide at eighteen.

He's trapped inside this house of corpses and I get to go to school; I get to eat my mom's peanut butter sandwiches and—

"You hunt the dead." He says gently, his eyes are luminous— Dripping with sympathy "The shadow that's overlooked by the sun, the stains hidden away by the light."

"You don't just hunt us, you've walked with us ever since.. " He takes a step towards me and I don't bother to move away.

"Since my father died." I finish his words easily "And before that he walked with you and I followed. Death is my world, anything else, school and friends? They just get in the way of my next ghost."

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now