Chapter Sixteen.

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—First Person POV.—

Right after I'm dropped off at my house, I get a call from Aizawa.

"Sorry to wake you." He starts and I chuckle "I've been up for hours.. Working hard." My whole body is aching as I move out of the way for my Mother.

"What a shame." Aizawa grumbles with an annoyed sigh "I was waiting to call, trying to let you get some rest." He complains while I just nod along.

"But apart from that, I finally got some sharpshooting gear shipped to your house."

"I don't know if that'll matter— I mean, I was going to call you later because there's a problem." I sigh as I plop face first onto my bed.

"What sort?"

"The sort that no one can get into the house but me and I'm not an electric or matter user." I tell him a little more about what's been happening, for some reason leaving out the fact that I've had long talks with Izuku at night.

On the other end I can here him click his tongue and I'm sure he's rubbing his eyes as well "You've been completely unable to subdue him?" He asks finally.

"Completely, he's like a—"

"If you make a pop culture reference I will hang up and not help you with this case." He cuts in and I'm instantly quiet, not because I think he'll do it— I know he isn't bluffing when another sigh flies through his end.

"The fact still remains that you need to find electric and matter users, something about the way this boy died is imbuing him with so much power." He starts and I absently nod along.

"It's just a matter of finding what did this to him." Aizawa finishes and I roll onto my back to stare up at the ceiling after putting my phone on speaker.

"But it still wouldn't work, I don't even know where to find them! It's not like I can put up signs, asking for people with electric and matters quirks!" I know what he's going to say.

He's going to tell me to figure it out and do more research. Try to figure out a suicide that's been forgotten for over fifty years, and that's what I'll have to do, because I'm not putting Jirou and Denki in danger.


"Hm, what?"

"I'm thinking." I can actually hear his brain turning, he's got something and I start to get hopeful.

I knew he was worth more than just coffee and sleep deprivation.

"You have friends, right?"

"Some what?" I could hear him facepalm from his end and I chuckle "I've got two, actually, a quirk user named Jirou and Denki."

On Aizawa's end, there is an intake of breath followed by a pleased pause.

I can never tell what the old man is thinking, but something tells me it isn't good—

"Jirou's quirk let's her hear ghosts and makes it easier to pinpoint them when they are hiding." I can tell Aizawa is nodding along.

"And Denki?"  He asks and I chuckle "He's not the brightest in the brain." I comment.

"If you trust them, that's all that matters. But you'll need one more, preferably someone who has had an encounter with Deku." Aizawa says and I'm raising an eyebrow, trying to figure out what's going on in that dark head of his.

"But Denki's not a quirk user-" "Just wait, I'm going to send a few bottles over with the sharp shooting gear." He cuts me off and I can hear his pencil move as he scribbled a few things down.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now