Bonus Chapter pt. 5

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—First Person POV

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—First Person POV.—

"What did you do."

"You're the third person to ask this." I grumble, and set off the turn signal.

Right now, we are in the process of meeting up with my fellow ghostbusters—plus the little demon I am now trying to explain to Aizawa about.

After mentioning Izuku's return, he immediately resorted to blaming me for doing something that must've brought him back, which is probably understandable—given the fact that I did try to do research on my door theory..

"—But cut me some slack," I huff, eyeing the caller ID out of the corner of my eye when I catch a pair of viridescent watching me from behind the phone.

Currently, he's playing passenger Princess in the front seat but has been subjected to holding the device up so I could clearly speak to the tired man on the other end of the line.

There's a long sigh that drawls through the speaker, and I can actively imagine Aizawa rubbing his sleep heavy eyes or pinching the bridge of his nose in exhaustion.

It's quiet for a moment before the sounds of pages flipping filters into the air—immediately meeting my attention.

"I'm going to need a picture of it," He comments after another pause "It's easier to identify if I can see the wing type—" And I send a glance to Izuku, who just nods to mentally note down the task for me.

"I don't have any right now.. But they're smooth looking, I think." My voice explains, eyes thoughtfully scanning the road as we make another turn—heading towards a park area.

"You sure he's not an Incubi?"

Izuku sends a questioning look my way when I let out a snicker, shaking my head "Maybe with the looks, but definitely no with everything else," I speak up, raising one of my hands off the wheel to passively wave off the confused ghost.

"He also doesn't seem to feed on that kind of stuff— But now that I think about it, he's been saying he's 'starving' and won't stop eating hot foods." I continue to point out—earning a hum from the line.

"Hot foods.." His voice mutters, followed by the sound of more flipping.

The clicking sound of my right turn signal fills in the silence, and that's broken as I bring us into the parking lot—stopping the car with a quiet "What the hell.." escaping my lips.

Squinting my eyes, I could make out Jirou's figure near the tree line but she's alone.

And upon catching sight of a few flickers of light shooting through the forests, I turn and Izuku meets my stare with his own widened gaze.

I clear my throat, hastily putting the car in park before snatching my phone up from his grasp  "Uh, sorry 'Zawa— Just text me if you find anything please, we need to go!"

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now