Bonus Chapter pt.7

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—Third Person POV

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—Third Person POV.—

His shadows had been latched around the man below—tightening and strangling his neck to the point only strained gurgles could escape Shigaraki's cracked lips.

After passing through the glowing floorboards, the crimson lighting nearly blinded Izuku, making his eyes seal shut.

He was able to catch a glimpse of (e/c) just before falling under where wind whipped across his features—stray droplets peppered his skin, and a coppery scent filled his nostrils.

His expression scrunched up with the recognition.

At some point, the struggling beneath him grew more fervent—but the ghosts shadows twisted another limb off from the body, eliciting a wet crackle from the man below.

Tossing off the arm, Izuku's eyes narrowed open, fixating on the unmoving thing in his grasp before shifting in the air—and slinging the body away from his own.

The bright crimson surroundings grew dull until black overtook his vision and he met a grassy floor with an echoing thud.

Thankfully, the ghost was able to stay upright and land easily—having no actual joints or bones to break really did have its perks in absorbing impacts..

But he didn't give much thought on it, instead turning to get a look at the new forest he was left in.

So this was the conclusion?

Viridescent eyes gleamed amidst the darkness—attention flickering upwards the way he had come, only to be met with a void above.

There was fog that seemed to light up the area in a greyed haze, letting his gaze fall over the many trees spreading off in all directions—confusion clouded his thoughts, effectively knitting his dark brows together.

And without an idea of what else to do, he started walking, figure drifting aimlessly through the eerie forest—where the only noise to fill in the silence was his shoes rustling against the grass below.

His eyes would cast up every now and then, taking in the different types of trees presented—their branches swaying in an unfelt breeze.

Without really any clear path or destination, he just wandered deeper— Shadows danced beneath him, playing tricks on his perception as he stepped through the dense foliage.

After a while, his hand reached up to bat at the thickening vapor in his face.

And with seemingly all the time in the world, Izuku let his memories run rampant—thinking over his human life and delving into the finer details of his most recent months.

Each scene flickered in his mind like distant stars in the night sky.

Those last fragments offered an air of peace.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now