Chapter Twenty-Six.

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—First Person POV.—

Morning finds me and Denki huddled down in his car, parked around the corner from Chisaki's house.

We've got our heads pulled low inside of our hooded sweatshirts and our eyes are shifty.

We look exactly like you'd expect someone to look if they where minutes away from committing a major crime.

Chisaki lives in one of the wealthier, more well-preserved areas of the city— Of course he does.

And unfortunately, that means there might be lots of busybody wives or housekeepers peeking out of windows to see what were up to.

"Is it time?" Denki asks, sweatdropping "What time is it?" "It isn't time." I state, trying to sound calm, like I've done this a million times— Which I haven't.

"Jirou hasn't called yet." I continue, not even glancing away from the house. He calms down for a second and takes a deep breath.

Then he tenses and ducks behind the steering wheel.

"I think I saw a gardener!" He exclaims.

I haul him back up by his hood "Chill, the gardens have all gone brown by now— Maybe it was someone raking leaves. Either way, we're not sitting here in ski masks and gloves. We're not doing anything wrong."

"Not yet."

"Well, don't act suspicious."

It's just the two of us.

Between the time of the plan hatching and the time of the plan execution, we decided Jirou would be our plant.

She'd go to school and make sure that Kai was there.

According to the blonde sitting next to me, his parents leave for work long before he leaves for school.

When told that we'd be separated —Jirou shrugged, saying that she should be with us in case something went wrong— But didn't really object, also saying she can help spread more rumors with her band.

But looking at Denki now— I think I might've been better with Jirou.

When my phone starts vibrating, he jerks like a startled cat "It's Jirou." I let him know as I pick up "He's not here." She says in a hushed tone that lets me know she's trying her best to stay calm.


"Neither of them are, Shinu is gone too."

"What?" I repeat, but I heard what she said.

Denki is tugging on my sleeve like an eager elementary schooler, trying to figure out why I sounded so confused.

"They didn't go to school." I say through gritted teeth.

Musutafu must be cursed.

Nothing goes right in this stupid town.

And now I've got Jirou worrying in my ear and Denki conjecturing in my other ear and there are just too many damn people in this car for me to think straight.

"What do we do now?" They ask at the same time.


What about Izuku?

Kai has the knife, and if he got wind of Denki's decoy texting trick, who knows what he might have decided to do.

He's smart enough to pull a double cross; I know that he is.

And, for the last few weeks at least, I've been dumb enough to fall for one.

He could be laughing at us right now, picturing us ransacking his room while he walks up Izuku's driveway with my knife and his built lackey in tow.

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