Chapter Two.

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—First Person POV.—


Lots and lots of boxes.

It had taken a while to fit everything into the car but once it was all in we where able to finally go.

"Come here, Kenya!" I called, annoyance on my tongue as I chased said fox around the house.

He seemed to turn into liquid everytime I went to grab him and after another failed capture attempt, I let out a loud groan in frustration.

"You know he hates the carrier."

I didn't bother looking over my shoulder at the voice, since I already knew who it was.

Mom shook a bag of treats in her hand, quickly capturing Kenya's attention and causing him to maneuver under my arm to run to the treat giver.

I let a huff slip past my lips as mom fed Kenya a few treats "And you know he's getting fat from all the treats you're giving him."

I grabbed his collar and used it to pull him into the carrier and close it.

My mom just rolled her eyes, reaching out and ruffling my hair before I walked down the hall with the carrier still in my grasp.

I could hear her footsteps following me as I exited the house and headed to the car, placing Kenya's carrier in the backseat before closing the door and turning to mom.

She was staring at the house in goodbye, a thing she would do with every house we've moved from.

I watched her for a second before getting into my seat and plopping down with a tired sigh.

Not too long after, she walks around the back of the car, checking to make sure the trunk was completely shut before opening her door and plopping into the drivers seat.

She pulled her seatbelt on and grabbed the wheel, glancing past me to look at the house one last time before driving off.

My eyes trekked over the house, it was a bit older than the others surrounding it, but other than that it was still a nice house.

I continued to stare at the house, watching as it disappeared behind a hill off in the distance.

I probably should miss it but in all honesty, I won't.

"Congrats." Moms voice lifted me from my thoughts, dragging me back into reality as I tilted my head away from the window to look at her.

"It's horrible what happened to her." She started again, I raised an eyebrow in questioning, though, I already knew what she was talking about.

She instantly picked up on my confused expression, knowing I hadn't told her much about that specific case.

For a damn good reason, too.

"I took a peak at your research." She explains and I sigh, bringing my hand up to rub my eyes "I didn't want you seeing that.." She rolled her eyes in response.

"I know." She nods, her eyes flickering back onto the road as silence filled the car.

Musutafu was where we are heading— Or in other words, death. Death is where I'm heading.

Of course, my mom is coming but she won't be dealing with death himself like I am.

Maybe for her, in a few long years, but for me? Just a few days hopefully. I couldn't help the overwhelming excitement filling my veins as I watched more trees pass by.

Izuku Midoriya. Deku.

That was his name.

"Are you scared?" I scoffed, feeling my knife sink in my pocket with the action.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now