Bonus Chapter pt. 6

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—First Person POV

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—First Person POV.—

I slowly close the door with an affirming click.

And a thunderous bang immediately resounds from the wood as the demon slams into it—another sharp boom and he crashes right through it, body instantly making contact with the opposite wall.

Thankfully, I was pulled back out of the line of fire.

But that doesn't solve the issue when he scales the side—a laugh scratching my skull when he bounces off just as fast and swings his right arm out at me.

I raise my knife up to block the black-blood covered claws—stabbing my blade straight through his hand and causing the attack to come to a stop.

No, Izuku had caught his forearm—ashes growing to flake off of his skin as he shifted.

"Kaachan stop!" His voice shouts, shadows leaking from his fingertips and fully encasing around the demon's hand before the ghost turns—pushing me back to throw him over his shoulder.

Those webbed wings stretched out, flapping harshly as Izuku throws his other hand out, trying to lock his shadows down on the snarling creature.

Bakugo drove his elbow into the ghosts shin, making his grip falter slightly "Run!" His head cranes over his shoulder and I'm yanked back by the elbow—turning to do just that, despite wanting to help.

We burst through the door, rushing down the stairs as a series of slams rang out behind us and echoes of the fight now raging above.

Heading down a few flights, we're high tailing it and skipping stairs when another thunderous bang reverberates around us and I'm behind Denki when the set above suddenly gives way.

They land on the concrete before me as I push my friend out of the way, making him stumble down the next few steps.

I go to flex my heel, ready to spray the demon with salt but Izuku meets my eye and I immediately aim off course as he reels his arm back—ashes wrapping around his fist.

I turn the next corner as he throws the punch downwards and the sound of concrete cracking follows suit.

Denki and Jirou seemed to have made it out when I get down to the first floor, rushing through the darkness and cursing there being no light—

Only to have that prayer answered as an arm breaks through the ceiling, a coarse laughter snapping into the air and echoing off as he clawed off to the side—trying to swipe at the ghost.

Light peaked into the floor but I didn't waste anymore time standing there and staring, in fact, I already booked it out of the entrance.

Making it outside nearly felt like escaping into the eye of a tornado—Denki and Jirou were panting just as heavily as I was "What happened?? He was being so domestic earlier!" I managed out after a moment.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now