Chapter Five.

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—First Person POV.—

"Because of how the cops covered it up, they never made any arrests and just sealed off the house, pretending like nothing ever happened."

I nod, that is true.

"That, and there where words written in blood. 'Izuku Midoriya. Deku's house'."

Emily grabbed onto her 'boyfriends' arm, her petite form shaking in fear as her boyfriend nodded and added "plus, there's no way somebody could have torn a body up like that! The fisherman was a two hundred and fifty pound dude!"

Kai nodded along with the loud male "He tore his arms and head clean off. You'd have to be built like the rock, high on meth, and take a large shot of adrenaline to the heart to be able to twist a two hundred and fifty pound dudes head off!"

A snort escaped my mouth, my hand coming up as a let out a chuckle from his bewilderment, soon followed by laughs from the others.

"She doesn't believe us," Emily groans while Kai rolls his eyes "She's just scared." Her boyfriend mocks, earning a glare from the blonde behind me.

Denki reaches out and pulls me back "Don't listen to them, they've wanted to mess with you the moment they saw we were friends." He whispers, his hand still on my shoulder.

I reached up, placing my hand on top of his and giving air a firm squeeze in reassurance, pissing Emily off more as I shot them all a challenging glance.

"So, where's the house?"

And of course, they all glance at each other, knowing damn well that's exactly what they wanted to hear.

—Small Time Skip.—

We leave the party and head back to Musutafu, it's already familiar lights capturing my attention as we passed another sign with the words 'Welcome to Musutafu' written across it.

Less and less trees pass my vision, the dimly lit town coming into view "It's a bit of a drive" Kai spoke up, he was the one driving.

It had taken a bit to leave the party, drunk girls constantly trying to follow Denki to his car while asking where we are going.

It was actually funny watching him point in a random direction and pull the "Look over there!" Trick on them and as soon as their heads snapped behind them, Denki dove into Kai's car with lightning speed.

And that's how we all decided to just take Kai's car.

"So, what are we gonna do when we get there?" I questioned, propping my arm up on the car door.

Emily's boyfriend- who I recently learned was named Shinu, shrugged from a seat behind me "Probably drink, throw some bottles at the house, does it really matter?"

He's right, but not in the way I'm thinking, of course, I won't kill Izuku tonight.

Not while they are all there at least and I don't have enough information on how he died to know what I'm up against.

The car fills with voices as everyone starts telling me more about the house, saying how Deku only kills people who enter the house.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now