Chapter Twenty-One.

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—First Person POV.—

"You stole my fox." Mom comments as I'm coming down the stairs with Kenya in my hands.

She's pouring herself a cup of coffee and I figure I won't tell her about the little encounter I had just now.

I plop down in one of the kitchen chairs "Here, you can have him back." I say as she walks over to sit besides me on at table.

She grabs him with ease and sets him on her lap, where he lets out pants of happiness— He has always liked my mom more, of course.

"No luck last night?" She asks, nodding towards my disheveled state "Not exactly." I answer "There was some luck, luck of both kinds..?"

She listens to me while I spill my guts, I tell her everything we saw, everything me learned about Izuku— How I broke the curse and freed him.

I end with my worst embarrassment: That I lost Dad's knife.

I can hardly look at her when I tell her that last part, she's trying to control her expression— I don't know if that means she's upset that it's gone or if it means she know what the loss of it must've done to me.

"I don't think you made a mistake, (Y/n)." She says with a gentle voice and soft doe eyes "But the knife—" "We'll get the knife back, I'll call that boys mother if I have to." She promises and I groan in response.

"But what you did—" We both pause for a moment when she takes a sip of her coffee— Once she places the mug down, she eyes the liquid inside for a moment "With Izuku, I don't think it was a mistake."

"It was my job to kill him." I deflate in my seat.

"Was it? Or was it your job to stop him?" She glances up from the mug, I've leans back in my chair in silence so she continues "What you do— What your dad did— It was never about revenge, or tipping the scales back to even. That's not you."

I sigh and rub my tired eyes, I'm too tired to think straight "But you did stop him, didn't you, (Y/n)?"

"Yes." I answer— But I don't know, everything happened so fast and I question whether or not I actually got rid of Izuku's dark half, or did I just allow him to hide it? I grit my teeth.

He was here just a few minutes ago and he seemed fine, he seemed almost.. Normal?

My mom stares at me in silence— Her eyes just glancing over my thought-filled expression before she sighs "Go back to bed, and then go to Izuku and find out what he's become."

—Time Skip.—

Staticky music is blaring through the radio, I had to borrow my moms car again but she didn't seem to mind, I just had to drop her off to do some shopping with a friend she had made when we first moved here.

She has never had any issues with makings friends— Her being so open and easy going of course helped with that.

Oddly enough, my dad was the complete opposite— At least I think he was, I can't really remember much and that bothers me, so I push the though away from my brain and turn the music up just a bit more.

I'd rather believe the memories are there, just under the surface, whether they really are or not.

As I walk up to the house, I think I see a shadow move on the roof.

I blink it off as a trick of my too-tired eyes... Until I'm almost at the porch and the shadow comes barrel off the top. Loudly.

"HOLY SHI—" I yell as Izuku stops falling right in front of my face, he's upside down, hanging by his shadows that are connected to the roof "SORRY SORRY SORRY!" Izuku calls when I reach into my pocket.

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