Chapter Twenty-Five.

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—First Person POV.—


When I turn, all I see is a flash of motion before a fist connects with my face.

My body follows the direction of my head and I fall to my knees— My eyes are shut and there's a warm, sticky wetness on my lips.

My nose is bleeding.

"What are you doing?!" I hear Denki shout, while Jirou crouches down to place a hand on my shoulder and check if I'm alright.

Suddenly Kai is grunting and there are sounds of a scruffle.

"Don't defend her." I can hear Kai sneer "Didn't you watch the news? She got another person killed!" He shouts and I can practically feel the accusation run through my back.

I finally open my eyes.

Kai is glaring at me over Denki's shoulder.

Shinu is ready to jump at me, his jock build just aching to shove Denki over as soon as his designated leader gives him the go ahead.

"It wasn't him." I sniff blood down the back of my throat. It's gross and tastes like old pennies.

Wiping at my nose with the back of my hand leaves a bright red swatch.

"It wasn't him." He scoffs "Didn't you listen to the witnesses? They said they heard wailing, and growling, but from a human throat. They said they heard a voice speaking that didn't sound human at all. They said the body was in thirteen pieces. Sound like anyone you know?"

"Sounds like a lot of someone's." I snarl "Sounds like any dime-store psycho."

Except that it doesn't. And the voice speaking without sounding human makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"You're so blind." He breathes "This is your fault. Ever since you came here. First Emily, and now this poor shlub in the cemetery." He stops, reaching into his jacket and pulls out my knife.

He points the blade in my direction, an accusation.

"Do your job."

Is he an idiot? He must be unhinged, pulling it out in the middle of school.

It's going to get confiscated and he's going to get signed up for weekly counselor visits or expelled, and then I'm going to have to break into God knows where to get it back.

"Give it to me." I demand.

I sound strange; My nose has stopped bleeding but I can feel the clot in there.

If I breathe through it to talk normally, I'll swallow it down and the whole thing will start over.

"Why?" Kai asks "You don't use it. So maybe I'll use it."

He points the knife in Denki's direction "What do you think happens if I cut someone alive? Does it send them to the same place it sends the dead ones?"

"Don't even think about it." Jirou hisses and for a split moment, the knife is pointed in her direction.

Denki takes a step to the side, standing between her and the knife.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now