Bonus Chapter pt. 2

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—First Person POV.—

"You know, if we don't count Denki almost being tossed out a window fourteen stories high— I say this hunt was a success." I start, lifting my gaze from the window of Jirou's car.

Yeah, when the poor blonde tried to get me down I was dragged off to the side by the golden threads. And long story short—the girl Jirou slayed wasn't the only ghost in the building.

They called the golden thread ghost: The Puppeteer.

How annoyingly fitting, seeing as I was tossed around by the wrists like a slack puppet most of the time.

"Seriously?" Denki questions, glancing over his shoulder and into the back seat where I currently sat. The blonde was busy wrapping up his bloody hand with the extra gauze from the open medkit.

"I'm just saying." I shrug, a sheepish grin spreading across my face as I leaned forward and grabbed the kit—closing and locking it shut before setting it onto the seat beside me.

"Mission success, we got all three ghosts and you got to try out your new weapon! Win-win!" I explain.

Denki let's put a light chuckle at that, nodding his head in agreement while his hand idly knots the bandages across his wrist.

"Fair, I still need to work on my aim though— You down to hang at the shooting range after school?" He offers, turning to Jirou and causing her dark eyes to flicker to him before refocusing on the road ahead.

"You gave Denki a gun." She states after a moment of silence, eyeing me through the rear view mirror.

Her words cause both Denki and I to pause, a tense in our figures when we both are reminded: we never told Jirou about the whole gun thing, yet.

"Uh, surprise?" He wonders first, earning a blank stare from the driver.

I take this moment to gasp "I can't believe you would assume I would do such a hilarious thing— Yes I did." I admit with a sheepish grin once her attention flicks onto me.

She sighs, returning her gaze to the road once more.

"—Hey, I got Aizawa to bless it though, think of it as an upgrade from his sharp shooting gear!" I exclaim defensively, gesturing for the blonde to back me up on the matter.

He raises his half bandaged hand in surrender, shaking his head to say 'you're on your own for this' and causing a deadpan to flash over my features.

'Denki, you traitor.' I internally cry.

"..Oh, looks like this is my stop here!" I point out, turning to the window and internally thanking the Author for the perfectly timed escape.

I grab my bag and practically haul ass out of the car the moment Jirou slows to a stop, not entering my driveway since she just had to drive forward.

When I'm out, I turn as Denki rolls down his window and calls out for me "See you at school tomorrow, (Y/n)!" He waves lightly and I smile back at the blonde.

"Make sure you get that whole situation cleaned up, okay?" Then I glance at Jirou and give her a knowing look "Don't get distracted and forget. You know how serious glass can be if it's left in there for too long."

Through the moonlight, I catch a tint of color dusting along her cheeks with what I was insinuating. Her eyes rolling as Denki winks in my direction "No promises."

She smacks him over the chest, causing the blonde to let out a playful 'ow!' I shake my head towards their dynamic, stepping away from the car and waving over my shoulder as walk up the driveway.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now