Chapter Eight.

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—First Person POV.—

When lunch finally rolled around, the three came to the football field, Jirou and I are lounged out on the bleachers.

The sun is high in the sky and it's rays feel amazing, not a cloud was in sight and my head throbbed less because of this.

"Holy.." Of course, the peace had to end "She really is alive."

"No thanks to you dickheads." I spat, moving into a sitting position and blinking my eyes open.

"Hey." Kai snaps "We didn't do anything to you. Understand?"

"Keep your fucking mouth shut." Shinu adds, pointing a threatening finger in my direction— For a second, I was at loss for words, never had I thought they would come here to keep me quiet.

I stop my eyebrows from furrowing as I lean back and start picking at some dirt under my nail "You didn't do anything to me." I start.

"You guys brought me to a house to freak me out, you didn't know that your friend would wind up getting torn in half and ripped to shreds." I'll admit, that was a jerk move.

Kai's face instantly goes pale, Emily's last moments playing behind his eyes and for a second, my eyes soften.

But my aching head reminds me that they still tried to kill me, whether it was intentional or not.

Denki is standing one bleacher under them, his tired eyes meeting my angered ones before he glances off in guilt.

I feel bad about Emily, I never would have let that happen if they didn't render me useless with a board to my head though.

"What should we tell people about Emily?"

The question was subtle, my eyes catching on to Denki as he held his head low in thought "There are going to be questions, everyone saw her leave the party with us."

"We can't tell them the truth." Shinu mutters. 'Well, no dip Sherlock.'

"What is the truth?" Denki suddenly looks up with his brows furrowed "What happened in that house? Am I really supposed to believe that Emily was murdered by a ghost—"

I catch his eye with my own "I saw it."

"I saw it too." Kai sighs, readjusting his mask with his gloved hands to distract himself from throwing up.

"It's not real, (Y/n)'s alive, Emily is too. This is all just some messed up prank that you all cooked up to get back at me for breaking up with her—"

"Don't be so self obsessed." Jirou cut the blonde off with the roll of her eyes.

"I ran in there and dragged (Y/n) out, I saw him ripping Emily to bits." She confirmed with a glare, Denki's eyes averted from hers.

"So.. Deku really killed her." We all practically nodded.

After we came up with a plan to avoid the cops and questions, we fall into a silence that is short lived.

"What do we do about him?" Shinu questions, I glance over to him, assuming he was talking about Jirou even though he said 'him'.

"We can't do anything." Jirou speaks with her usual bitch face on display "He's out of your league."

"He killed my girlfriend." Shinu spits, glaring daggers at Jirou "What am I supposed to do? Nothing?"

"Yep." She shrugs, a lopsided smirk falling on to her features.

"Well, we have to do something." Denki speaks up "If he's real, then we probably should." His usually bright eyes flicker with sadness.

"We can't just let him keep on killing people."

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now