Chapter Four.

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—First Person POV.—

The moment I got home I had told my mom about the party, getting no protests as she knew it was only for my job and not to get drunk and pass out in a ditch somewhere.

Though, she did start complaining about hearing noise up in the attic.

When she went to check what it was, she caught sight of a rat scampering behind a few boxes and out of eyesight.

I suggested we just let Kenya up there, but she instantly sent a glare my way, talking about how she wouldn't want her fox chewing on some nasty worm filled rodent.

I then showered, ate my dinner —There's no way I'm eating any of the food they have at the party, they probably loaded it up with drugs for all I knew— And got dressed into new clothes.

By the time my hair finally dried, Denki's car had pulled into my driveway— His hand finding the horn and sending out two honks to summon me from my home.

Without a second thought, I get in and just like that, we were off in his car— Speeding down the road and out of the city.

As we neared the edge of the town, more and more trees could be seen, soon taking over my view completely as we passed a sign labeled with the words 'Leaving Musutafu' in big bold letters.

Denki and I made small talk, our conversation ranging from him asking about my classes to what my older schools were like and me giving him vague answers.

My mind had been wandering the moment we passed that sign, the farther we went past trees, the farther I could feel him. The ghost who took his own life.

It was odd, I was wondering if he could feel me drifting as well, the space between us growing larger and large with each passing leaf.

But I didn't have time to think about that.

Tonight was about breaking in, I want to hear about Izuku's story. How he took his own life. Why he took his own life. I want to know the people who can lead me to him.

The only thing my anonymous supplier could tell me was his age and last name.

He could tell where he haunted— Of course it was his family home, but I'm itching to find out why.

Perhaps he killed himself in his own house? I'm going to find out tonight.

Of course, I could always just go to a library or search him up online, but this was one of my favorite parts of the hunt.

Getting to know them, hearing their legends. I want them to be as clear as day in my mind, so the night I can finally meet them, I won't be blind and disappointed.

"You drink, right?" Denki sent me another question— This time, worry filled his words as I lightly nodded my head.

"Yeah, sure." I lied, my eyes tracing back over the window of his car "Alright, just try not to drink too much while we're there." I nodded again, mentally thanking him for being such a kind being.

As I scanned the passing trees my eyes caught on to older houses caked in dust, sometimes cars would be parked in their driveway that was overgrown with weeds, each car seemingly rusting more than the last.

And by the time we finally turn in and park by the other cars at the party, I've probably seen enough old houses and cars to last me a life time.

He sends me one last warning to not drink too much before we walk into the already boasting party.

The party goes as parties go, a large majority of people walk up to us —Mainly because of Denki.— And introduce themselves to me, but with each passing second I could already feel myself forgetting their names and faces.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now