Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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—First Person POV.—

Fifteen minutes later, we're all inside Denki's car. All four of us— Denki and me up front, Jirou and Izuku in the back: Why we didn't take Jirou's much roomier, more reliable, and less conspicuous car is beyond me, but that's what happens when you hatch a plan in fifteen minutes.

Except that there isn't that much of a plan, because we don't really know what's happened. I mean, we've got hunches— I've got more than a hunch— But how could we make a plan when we don't even know what the thing is, or what it wants?

So instead of worrying about what we don't know, we're going after what we do. We're going to find my knife.

We're going to track it magically, which Jirou assures me can be done, with a bionic ear listening thing— I'm not sure what she had in mind but let's hope it helps.

Izuku insisted that he come along, because for all his talk of me being King Arthur, I think he knows I'm pretty much defenseless— And I don't know how well he knows his legends, but Arthur was killed by a ghost from his past that he didn't see coming.

Not exactly the best comparison— Before we left the house, there was a brief discussion about trying to fudge ourselves some alibi's for when the police discover Kai and Shinu— But that was swiftly abandoned because really, when you may or may not be eaten in the next few days, who the hell cares about alibis?

I've got this weird, springy feeling in my muscles. Despite everything that's happened —Emily's death, seeing Izuku's murder, Kai and Shinu's murder, and the knowledge that whatever killed my father is now here, possibly trying to kill me— I feel, okay.

It doesn't make sense, I know.

Everything is messed up— And I still feel okay. I feel almost safe, with Jirou and Denki and Izuku.

When we get to Jirou's place, it occurs to me that I should tell my mother. If it really is the thing that killed my dad, she should know.

"Wait," I say after we all get out. "I should call my mom." "Why don't you just go get her," Denki suggests, tossing me the keys.

"Yeah, She might be able to help. We can get started without you." Jirou agrees— She's already at the front door, unlocking it with her keys.

"Thanks," I say, and get into the driver's seat. "I'll be back as soon as I can." Izuku grabs the handle above the door and hoists himself over the front seat and drops down into shotgun.

"I'm going with you."

I'm not going to argue. I could use the company.

I start the car back up and drive. Izuku does nothing but watch the trees and buildings go by.

I suppose the change of scenery must be interesting to him, but I wish that he would say something.

"Did Jirou hurt you back there? The metal bat had a dent in it—" I ask in hopes of breaking the silence.

A soft smile falls onto his lips "I already said it didn't hurt." I pause, from the corner of my eye I can see he's looking at me and I clear my throat.

"..Have you been okay, at the house?" I slowly question, unsure if it's okay to really bring it up— But it's the only thing that I could think of to start a conversation.

There's a stillness on his face that has to be deliberate and I feel bad about asking.

"They keep on showing me." He says carefully "But they're still weak— Other than that, I've just been waiting." He chuckles sheepishly.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now